Moving into a new city

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Before I start, If you didn't read my description, I would recommend it but it's fine if you don't!

There will be curse words in here so if you are not comfortable with those, please click off! I'll prob be posting every 2-7 days for I'm trying to get used to writing stories! I may start to post more if I have enough ideas and if I get enough motivation! Please enjoy! ( It might be -- ACTUALLY IT WILL BE CRINGY. Because every first book always is. Just a heads up, I might take breaks and I will always finish a story before moving on to another one!) 

This is a high school scarakazu AU btw!

If you see something like this *Hi*, it means it's a thought and not spoken out loud. 

-Author Miyoko


^Kaedahara Kazuha's POV^

'Kazuha! Wake up, It's time to go!"

 I woke to the sound of someone calling out my name from downstairs as I slowly sat up, still not knowing what was going on. The sun seemed to be high up already as I felt the warm heat against my face. Turning in my bed, I wrap myself in my blanket, snuggling into the warmth. My eyes shot open as I realized what day it really was. 

Kazuha:*Shoot I slept past my alarm clock...* 

I quickly jumped out of bed panicking about what I should do.

*Auntie Beidou is going to kill me...*

 I quickly grab the outfit I left on my chair and rush into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready. I felt as if I was getting chased or something. Rushing downstairs with a bit of a messy hair and almost slipping on the stairs, I see auntie beidou standing near the entrance, tapping her feet impatiently. 

Beidou: "What took you so long Kazuha? I've been waiting for like, 20 minutes now!" 

Kazuha: "Sorry auntie Beidou, I overslept my alarm clock again." fiddling with my fingers. She could be scary when she's mad. I felt as if this was a life-or-death situation and if I made one wrong move, I was done for. 

She sighed as she picked up one of my boxes and started carrying it to the car. I quickly grabbed the breakfast I left I the fridge last night and rushed out the door rolling my 2 suitcases behind me. As I got to the black jeep, I saw a woman with platinum hair sitting in the front suit with sunglasses on. 

Kazuha: "Hi auntie Ninguang!" I waved as I struggled to get the suitcases into the trunk. 

Yep, That's my aunt's wife, Ningaung. She treats me like her actual son and cares a lot about me. Both of them do and I'm already grateful that they're letting me move in with them. I live on my own until now since my parents passed away a year or two ago, so I've been living in a small apartment. Aunt Beidou and Ninguang couldn't help me back then because they used to live a few nations away from me which was pretty far so I'm happy that they moved near me not long ago. 

She glanced back, took off her sunglasses and smiled as me.

Ninguang: Hey honey! You need to stop by the agency to return your keys, right?" 

I nodded as I had to return my keys to my apartment. The trip to their house was supposed to be 4 hours long, 3 hour's worth of just desert to be exact. quickly rushing to the department where I'm supposed to return my keys, it felt as if my life was going to have a fresh start. 

------------The next day------------------------------------------------

I slowly open my eyes as the sun shined through the window. 

Kazuha: *Where was I?* 

I quickly look around to finally realize, *Oh, I'm in my aunt's house!* I check my phone, seeing that it was 5 AM in the morning. After getting ready for the day, I looked around my room to see boxes everywhere and how bland it was. I went to my boxes to get started unpacking my stuff but had to stop because auntie Ninguang called me down for breakfast. I had taken out all my clothes but I still needed to unpack my other things as well. *maybe I'll paint the walls to suit my style more.*

I walk down the stairs, almost tripping on the wooden floor and me wearing socks. Sitting down in the kitchen, I realized how big this house actually was.  

Ningaung: "How did you sleep Kazuha dear?"

Kazuha: "I slept fine, thanks for asking!"

Beidou: "Do you need help unpacking your stuff kiddo?"

Kazuha: "It's fine, I can do it by myself thanks tho"

Ninguang: "Are you sure Kazuha? It seemed like you had a lot of stuff"

Kazuha: "Really, it's fine! I'm already grateful that you're letting me stay with you!"

Ninguang gave me a calm smile and put some pancakes on the table. I listened to my aunts chat while I sat in silence, eating my pancakes. Emerged in my thoughts about what I could do with my room to fill in the extra space, I was snapped back to reality as Aunt Beidou spoke to me. 

Beidou: "Oh, Kid! I forgot to tell you to put I enrolled you in one of the best high schools here! what was it called again... Oh yeah! Tamion high school!" ( I THOUGHT OF IT RANDOMLY OKAY) 

I practically choked on my pancakes and almost fell out of my chair. Ninguang quickly went to get me water and I chugged it down, hoping it would clear my throat. 

Kazuha: Aunt, you don't mean like THE TAMION HIGH SCHOOL RIGHT? The one where all those kids from rich families go? Also, why are you even paying for my school payment?! You already did enough for me!"

Ninguang: "Honey we know that you don't want us to spend a lot of money on you but they have a good education and it would be good for your future! besides, I wouldn't want your parents to be worried about your education! ^Sigh^ Your parents would be so proud of you for going to that school."

I sighed knowing that auntie Ninguang wouldn't back off and she was right, my parents would be proud of him for going to that school even if they aren't in this world anymore.

Kazuha: "Alright fine, I'll go but NO MORE STUFF LIKE THIS." 

I quickly got up and went to the sink to do my dishes and went upstairs to continue unpacking, there was a lot to do today.

------------------------------Later that night-------------------------------------

"Ugghhhhhhhh..... finally done.... so tiredddd..." I groaned as I lay on my bed.

I spent hours just painting the walls of my room to a light orangish brown color with maple leaves all over it. The result was worth the time but it drained the life out of me. I went over to my phone to only see that's its 8:42 PM and decided to unpack the rest of my stuff. My new room made me think of my home town, my old room looked a lot like this one but without the painting on the wall... It brought back so many memories of my childhood. I sighed and went to shower, after that, I changed into an oversized brown t-shirt with some comfy shorts and went to bed.

All of a sudden, I saw someone.. they had indigoish purple hair with dark piercing eyes. At the moment, I saw myself with him, not younger or older, the same me with him. He pulled me close to him and he... HUH?!


LIFT HANGER. I have the motivation today so I'll prob post another chapter today or tomorrow! THIS WAS"T A PAST MEMORY BTW. Sorry for it being short also, I want to make this a long Wattpad so I'm trying to hit about 900-1200 words per chapter so I'll have enough ideas. Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll try to update you as soon as possible! Stay safe and hydrated! 

(926 words)

-꧁༒༺ Author Miyoko ༻༒꧂ (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ 

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