I can't think of titles anymore

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I DECIDED TO FINALLY UPDATE WOW ( suffering from writer's block.) but like how the hell do I end this... I'm not gonna like leave it unfinished but how do I end this help me.


Scaramouche POV

I groaned as my alarm clock went off, waking me up from my comfortable slumber. I reached for my phone, squinting as the sun was shining into my eyes. 7:20 AM. I rolled out of bed, falling onto the floor. I rubbed my head and sat up, waiting for my senses to fully awaken. I headed to my closet, grabbing a comfortable outfit, not bothering about the entire uniform system. I picked a black turtle neck underneath a black and dark blue jacket, with some baggy black pants. I put some extra accessories on and rummaged through my desk before finding my red eyeliner. I headed into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and carefully putting on my red eyeliner so I don't mess up and have to restart. I recheck my phone to see it was 7: 40 AM now and I have to take the bus today since Childe and Signora will come late today. I silently cursed as the bus usually comes at 7:50, and it takes me around 15 minutes to walk to the stop. I quickly find my notebooks and other stuff before rushing out the door, grabbing my keys on the way. I somehow make it on time, running most of the way. I was panting for air as the bus reached my stop, I hazily got on the bus, and all heads turned to me. I hate having attention on me or having anything about me spread around. I scoffed as I walked down to an empty seat, whispers spreading around about my comeback. I see a random seat at the back, a random person sitting at the window seat but I didn't bother to see who it was. I put on my headphones and sit down, trying to wash out all the whispers going around about me. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked over, eyes widening. Out of all the people that could have been sitting next to me, it was the person I didn't know how to talk to. Kazuha. He smiled at me and waved, as I looked away, covering my mouth from thinking of everything that went on in the hospital. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down before taking off my headphones and looking at what he was doing. It was honestly super loud on the bus and you could barely hear what anyone was saying. I watch as he wrote something on a piece of paper, ripping it off his notebook before folding it and handing it to me. I glanced at him before opening the paper, trying to read his writing since the bus was kinda bumpy. 

do you wanna come over today? To like catch up on stuff and all 

I neatly wrote a sure on the paper and folded it back up before handing it to him. He gave me a heartwarming smile and I just wanted to explode at that very moment and disappear out of existence. Right then, the bus stopped at our school. I quickly put my headphones back on before heading off the bus, trying to avoid the crowd of people that will be coming right behind me. I waited for Childe and Signora at the back of the school, near the garden. I didn't know how long has passed since I started scrolling on Twitter but that ginger-ass head finally showed up. 

Childe: Hi Scara, were you waiting long?

Scaramouche: No idea I lost track of time but where's Signora?

Childe: Signora went into the school to meet up with old friends, I think you met them before but who knows. 

I gave him a nod before climbing over the fence to reach the insides of the garden. It was always a calming place for me, somewhere that no loud sounds would penetrate. It was a place that let me live in my own world, away from the troubles in my life. I heard a faint bell ring as I stood up, signaling to Childe it was time to go. I was just on my phone and pushed open the front doors as the entire hallway became quiet. I looked up to see everyone staring at me, only to be returned with me glaring at them. The loudness soon came back but a lot of it was just gossiping about my incident. I was on the second floor, getting annoyed by Childe when I felt a sudden wait on my back. I swear I was going to punch whoever this bitch was that was trying to hug me. I spun around to see Kazuha, mumbling a small hey. 

Kazuha: Scara! I forgot to ask you what time you were coming over.

Scaramouche: Oh, uh I can come anytime since I don't have anything to do.

Kazuha: What about 7? Since we get out of school around 4 or 5. 

Scaramouche: Sure

kazuha: Alright, I'll send you my address later.

He waved at me and walked away as I turned back to Childe who was just standing there, looking a little dumbfounded. 

Scaramouche: What?" Not sure what I did that would be out of the ordinary. 

Childe: Is this the right Scaramouche that I grew up with cause if anyone hugged him, he would literally punch them in the face. Like that one time, you gave me a black eye. 

I scoffed and look away, walking toward my next class cause break was ending soon. 

----------------Time skip------------------------

After school^

Scaramouche POV*

I sat on my ground, unsure of what to wear. There were too many options but I didn't know which one was the best. I didn't know how long has passed before I finally chose one, looking at the time. It was 6:43 PM.

Shit, I'm gonna be late!


Imagine not posting for almost a month couldn't be me. I'll try to post more but uh we'll see. I realized how much my writing style has changed since I first started kinda want to edit them since their kinda bland. 

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