18: Caught

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Y/n's pov

I'm in the same exact room, billie is downstairs.

This maybe the perfect time to escape now. She's all busy down there and that's a perfect distraction.

I slowly open the door, not trying to make a noise. I gently walked out, peaking down and billie was still doing some things.

That was the time where I walked towards the window, slowly and sneaky.

Alright y/n just a bit more and yo-

"what are you doing?" billie's voice echoed through the hallway.

I then looked towards her. Fuck what am I gonna do???

"um I w-was looking for you" I lied and she walk to me.

After there was only inches between us, she raised her eyebrows at me.

"looking for me, huh? Not so usual darling. Do you think I'm that dumb?" she said with an evil smirk.

"I was really looking for you, trust me!" I said in a very convincing way.

She laughs and walks towards the window. She plays with the padlock on the window, then looks at me again.

I didn't see that padlock. So even when I try to escape, I wouldn't succeed.

"I know your ways baby. I think I might know you more than anyone does" she stops playing with the lock then drags me into another room.

The room was directly infront of the room I sleep in.

She pushed me inside this room full of boxes.

"you'll be sleeping here. I don't want to hear any noise coming from you, or else, I won't let you out" and with that, she closes the door hard and locks it outside.

My eyes released tears. I could never get out of here! It feels like she can read my mind, every move or plan that I make, she knows it.

The room had alot of big boxes, a smaller bathroom, and a window.

I rush towards the window, only to find another lock on it.

I looked around the room, finding something that could break the lock.

I open every boxes.

Box one, a furniture

Box two, crumbled papers and some small pieces of cardboard

Box three, another furniture

Box four, nothing

Box five, nothing

The rest of them had nothing!

What am I gonna do now??

I'm all trapped inside of this hell hole that billie made.

Can't she just accept that I don't love her?

That I won't ever be with her?

Why can't she just deal with that? She looks all though and shit but she's so weak of letting her ex-girlfriend's sister go.


I'm starving. Sleeping down the floor was not bad, but it was a bit cold.

Alot of things are playing inside my mind.

What if she does drugs? It makes her think she loves me.

What if she has a mental disorder? And if that was true, what if she doesn't actually know what she's doing?

So many fucking things this woman might have. You just don't expect it.

The door suddenly opens. Billie then drags me out, to the first room she took me.

I saw some prepared clothes on the bed and a pair of shoes beside the bed.

"go take a bath then change into those clothes. No questions y/n" she demands as if I did something again after that escape attempt that I made.

I quickly get inside the bathroom and did what she said.

After that, I changed into the clothes that she prepared for me.

Billie was not here so I just decided to wait for her.

I sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for billie. She finally comes in after a long minute.

"good girl. Now come on, we have to go" she intertwines our hands together and took me out of the house, to her car.

Wait, she's taking me out??

That means I can esc-

"I want to see a reason why I should really trust you. Like what you said yesterday, right?" she explains.

"so I'm taking you to the mall. We'll see if you're trustworthy" she adds and begins to drive.

Oh so this was all planned?? Of course y/n what do you think.

We sat in the car for about an HOUR and a half before reaching the mall.

She parked her car and gets out. I stayed inside, waiting for her.

She walks to my side and opens the door for me.

She forced my hands onto hers and kissed my cheek.

"remember all I said y/n" she said before closing the door then walking us inside the mall.

She took me to different stores, bought me different things like clothes, shoes, and perfumes.

We also ate and explore more. This is the first time I ever got in the mall since she kidnapped me.

But its just weird, seeing these random people and them seeing you, without knowing that you're being held hostage.

After a long while, she finally decided for us to go home. Her hands are still  intertwined onto mine, still tight as it was at the beginning.

I got inside the car while she puts all of the things we bought on the trunk.

I jumped when she opens her door and came in.

She closed the door and faced her body towards me.

"now that's a good girl. I see that I can trust you, but not fully. I still feel some attempts in you, well you better not. If you don't want to make things worse" she said with her fingers grip on my chin.

I nod my head and she kisses me. Deeply with force.

Her tongue entered my mouth with force, holding my head and pushing it more onto hers.

When she was done with all of her nasty shit, she smiles at me, rubbing my cheeks.

"I love you baby. And you will love me" she said.



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