4: The first meeting

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Y/n's POV
I was getting myself ready for the meeting, i put my hair into a nice braid and wore a sweater and jeans. I set my laptop on my desk preparing to join the zoom call.

Once I hit join I see 4 other smiling faces. "Ah Y/n! Good to see you here!" Said Shawn
"Hello." I said with a grin. I see Shawn the Director of course, Ryan Reynolds?!, Emma Waston?!, then I see a boy that I don't recognize he had blond hair & blue eyes he must be a now actor as well. I didn't realize that I was staring at him till Shawn said "Ok everyone! Let's all introduce ourselves!"

Walker's POV:
A girl joins the meeting and Shawn greets her I look at her and she is absolutely stunning. I think she plays Scarlett. I thought but snap out of it once Ryan starts to introduce himself.

Y/n's POV:

"I'm Ryan Reynolds" , "I'm Emma Waston", "I'm Y/n Evans, and "I'm Walker Scobell." We all said. "Perfect! So We will now go over everyone's roles." Shawn continued,
" Ryan will be playing Adam Wilson, Liam's father. Emma will be playing Rose Wilson, Liam's mother.
Walker will be playing Liam Wilson, and lastly Y/n will be playing Scarlett Evergreen Liam's best friend."

I nod my head. "Everyone can exchange numbers so we can all keep contact." I give my number to Walker and Ryan. And Emma gave us her email she wanted to probably keep things professional.
"Also at the hotel in California Walker and Y/n will be sharing a room and Emma and Ryan will be sharing. Is that okay with you guys?"
"Yeah that's fine"
Me and Walker say at the same time.
"Okay wonderful."
"Filming will start in 3 weeks! Hope to see you in LA!" We all said our goodbyes and I left the meeting.

Wow...... I'm in a movie with the Ryan Reynolds and Emma Watson! That's crazy I've been a fan of both for a long time. Tomorrow I'll be leaving for California.

I decide to start packing my suitcase. I fill the bag with some comfy clothes, a few nice outfits as well who knows I might become famous, then I pack some other things.

I hear a ding come from my phone and see it's from a unknown number.

Unknown Contact.

Unknown: Hey it's Walker is this Y/n?
Y/n: Hey Walker yes, it's me.
I name the contact: Walkie Talkie and laugh.
Walker : Why am I named Walkie Talkie?
Y/n: Cause it's hilarious!
Walker: Whatever plus Ryan made a group chat with him, me, and you.
Y/n okay I'll check it out.

I then get another notification from the group chat.

The best trio.
Ryan: Yo what's up just made a group chat for the 3 of us.
Walker: ok can't wait to film with you guys.
Y/n: Same.
Walker: see you then bye.
Ryan: Ok see ya losers later.
Y/n: Whatever bye.

~The next morning~

"Y/N!!!! WAKE UP WE HAVE TO GO SOON!!" My mom yells like always. I slowly open my eyes not wanting to get out of bed.

I remember that I'm leaving for California today! I look at the time 5:00 am "ugh it's so early..." I say to my self. I hurry up and get dressed into some comfy clothes cause I knew it would be a long flight.

Something like this

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Something like this. Hehe <3
I put my hair into a messy bun and wear some tennis shoes.
I make sure I have everything in my suitcase just in case before we leave.
I run down the stairs.

"Why did you have to pick the earliest flight possible? I complained.
She ignored me,
"Alright you ready? Do you have everything? Will you be ok flying alone?" My mom asks worried.
"I'll be fine mom! Remember Emma is picking me up and bringing me to the hotel right after I get off my flight!"
"Ok just be careful ok?" She says.
"Yes of course" I replied.

My mom heads upstairs to wake up everyone else so they can say goodbye to me as well.
"Are you kidding me? It's summer." I hear Dan already complaining. They come down the stairs and Ruby gives me a huge hug.
"I'll miss you!" She says
"I'll miss you as well." I smile
"Also I heard your filming with a boy named Walker...." She gives me a wink with a smile and steps back so everyone else can hug me.

My face got a little red after she said that but it wasn't noticeable. I hope at least.

Then lastly My brother Dan and my dad gave me a hug.
"Have fun sissy" my brother jokes and I laugh slightly.
"Ok we have to go! Bye everyone!" My mom announced.

I open the car door and sit in the front seat. And my mom starts to pull out of our driveway I wave at the rest of my family and we're off to the airport. I texted Olivia on the way there

Olivia 😂
Y/n: leaving for the flight right now.
Olivia: Girl I'm going to miss you sooo much!
Y/n: Same.
Olivia: Have you found out who your filming with?
Y/n: Well...... Ryan Reynolds, Emma Waston, and Walker Scobell are the main cast including me.
Olivia: NO WAY. That's crazy!
Y/n: IKR.
Olivia: Who's Walker?
Y/n: Uh he is going to play Liam in the movie same age as us.
Olivia: Hold on imma search him up on google hold on....
Y/n: Ok stalker. 😂
Olivia: Y/N!
Y/n: WHAT?
Olivia: oh my goodness he is just your type!
Y/n: uh yeah I guess...
Olivia: you two would be so good together!
Y/n: Dude I just met him yesterday and not even in person.
Olivia: Whatever. I gotta go Have a safe flight I'll miss you! 💕
Y/n: Thanks I'll miss you too! 💕

"I can believe this is happening" I thought to myself.

Alright so we just met Walker in this chapter yay!
Hope your enjoying this story and I've been really motivated lately and just wrote two more chapters for y'all like slay 👏 so those will be out soon!
Bye loves.

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