26: Missing you

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Y/n's POV:

I awoke the next morning from the door bell ringing constantly.
The sun shines in my face as I force myself out of bed to see who was at the door.

Still in my pajamas and hair a mess I open the front door to see a familiar face.

"Ah Y/n!" The voice say as they wrap their arms around me in a tight hug.
They pull away and it was my best friend Olivia

"Olivia! I've missed you so much!" I say giving her another hug.

"Haha so have i, you know how bored I was?" She says walking into the house.

"I don't know what you could do without me." I smirk.
She throws her body onto our living room couch.

"Oh how much I've missed this house." She says.
I just smile at her rolling my eyes.

"Do you want to stay over tonight? I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind and it would be fun!" I suggested.

"Ooo that would be fun, let me just call my mom real quick to ask." Olivia mentioned and pulled out her phone.
After she hangs up she says "yeah she is fine with that!"

"Eeee yay." I say excitedly.
I sit on the couch beside her and sigh

"So when do you have to leave for the premiere?" Olivia asks

"A couple months I think." I say

"So your leaving me AGAIN?" She says giving me puppy eyes.

"Oh it won't be bad I promise, and I'm sure you could come with if you really wanted to!" I suggest.

"Actually?!" She says with wide eyes.
"I mean I would hope you could come! I couldn't do it without my best friend." I smile.

"Ugh that would be so cool, standing next to my famous best friend." She laughs.

Ruby walks in through the front door from going to the mall.
"Oh hey Olivia!" She says
"Hola." She replies.

"How was the mall?" I ask Ruby.

"Good, I got a couple pairs of jeans and that's all." She says setting her bags on the kitchen table.

"Oh yeah Olivia is staying over tonight by the day." I mentioned.
"Oh ok!" She smiles.

~Later that night~

We had pizza for dinner and now me and Olivia were up in my bedroom putting all my clothes back into my drawers and closet.

"Gosh, you packed a lot of clothes." Olivia exclaimed hanging up a few of my sweatshirts.

"Yeah well I didn't exactly know what it would be like so I wanted to be prepared!" I explained.

"Yeah true, wouldn't you be in your character clothes like 90% of the time?" She giggles.

"Yeah I mean I guess so but surprisingly we did a lot of stuff outside of the set." I said

"Huh" Olivia replied.

My phone rings from my nightstand I stand up from the floor to see that someone was calling me.

"Who is it?" Olivia asks.

My heart skips a beat as I read the name.
I turn the phone around to show her the screen, her eyes widen.
Walker was calling me.

She stands up quickly and ran out of the room, she comes back in with Ruby.
"Oh god." I whispered to myself.

"Just answer him!" Ruby says.

"Come on!" Olivia says impatient.

We all sit on my bed
I click the green button answering his FaceTime call.

Walkers POV:

I've been wanting call Y/n for a while now, it hasn't been to long since I've last seen her but I do miss her, a lot.
I just needed to hear her voice again, see her face again.
I should have probably messaged her before I called but it's fine.

Hopefully she answers

I see a face appear on the screen.
It was her.

"Hi..." I say smiling at her
"Hi." She says back.

I started to get nervous not knowing what to say.
"So how have you been?" She asks
"Umm good, bored but glad to see my family." I reply.

"Same, I miss the cast and crew though." y/n mentions.
"Oh yeah definitely, I miss you too as well as everyone else." Walker says.
"So do i." She smiles

Y/n's POV:

Ruby and Olivia were smirking even more as each minute went by.

My older brother Dan was walking through the hallway and asked.
"Y/n who are you on the phone with?" He asks opening the door.

"Oh just Walker." I reply blandly.
"From the movie?" He asks.
"Yup." I say.

"Always on the phone talking to her boyfriend!!" He yells, loud enough for Walker to hear.

"Dan, your on speaker-"
"Oh well then tell Walkie I said hi." He said in a girly voice and walked out of my room.

Ruby was giggling and Olivia was full on laughing.
"I'm sorry-"
Olivia grabbed my phone to show her face.

"Hi I'm Olivia y/n's best friend from home." She smiles.

"Oh hi Olivia." He replied.

"And I'm Ruby, her older sister." She says.

"Oh um good to meet you both." Walker says.
I pull the phone away from the two of them.

"Yeah gald you basically got to meet my whole family, I'll talk to you tomorrow ok?" I smile face red.
"Haha your fine, see you later" he says with his eyebrows raised and a smirk.
I roll my eyes at him and hang up.

"God that was embarrassing." I say covering my face.

"Well he seemed to enjoy it." Ruby smiles.
"Yeah!" Olivia exclaimed still laughing.

"You guys are ridiculous." I truthfully say.

Short and sweet chapter
Ok what the heck has my posting schedule become, I seriously feel horrible hope you all aren't getting bored with the book!

Shoutout to: @chaaf_de-graaf for all the votes!! Thank you 😊

Bye loves 💕

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