22: Don't cry

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Y/n's POV

I awoke early, Walker was still asleep. I turned my head away from him and go to get dressed.
I look at myself in the mirror, red- eyed, messy hair, I looked like a mess.

I turn on the water, and splash it on my face.
It feels ice cold, it woke me up slightly more.
I hurry and get dressed, I really don't want to bump into Walker not now.
I exit from the bathroom and grab a granola bar from the cabinet.

I look over Walker is still sleeping, what a lazy boy I think to myself.
I leave our room and go to Emma's and Ryan's.

"Why hello there kid." Ryan says as I enter.
"Hi." I said slamming the door behind me.
"Jeez." Ryan said under his breath.

I looked and was clearly mad, well I technically didn't feel mad at anyone. Just confused.
Why the hell would Walker yell at me like that I keep thinking it's cause Henry-
You know what I should just stop thinking about this it's for the best right now isn't it?

I sit next to Ryan on the couch, and he says "you good?"
"Fine." I reply
"Did you and Walker talk last night at all?" He seemed eager to know.
"No, he was asleep by the time I came back." I answered.
"Oh.." Ryan said disappointed.
"I'm sure things will feel the same again today." I said
the truth was I know it isn't it's gonna be weird, me and Walker never apologized. Well he should be the one apologizing but that isn't the point. I need an explanation from HIM.

"I hope so, anyways Emma already headed to set and we should get a move on shouldn't we?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah we should let's go then." I pull myself off the couch and out the door.


Y/n's POV:

I was in my trailer my hair, makeup and outfit were all ready to go.
My hair was in a high ponytail and I was supposed to have blood on my face for the scene so I had a "scar" right across my cheek. It looked so realistic.

Emma opens the trailer door and smiles at me without warning she gives me a motherly hug, I give her a hug back.
"Hi, we are ready for the first scene do you feel alright?" She says kneeling down to my level.
"Yeah I'm perfectly fine." I lied.
"Ok good, let's go then." She led the way to Shawn's director chair where the cast and crew meets every day.

There he is, Walker.
He stands there looking at the floor standing next to Ryan.
It honestly didn't even look like he had his hair done yet cause it was messy but I thought it looked cute honestly.
I wonder how he is feeling, does he even feel sorry?

I glance at him and his head tilts up and looks at me, I look away not meeting his gaze.
I felt his stare on my for a while until Shawn started speaking.

"Alright first scene of the day is Walker and Y/n, basically they have come from the other world right? So we already filmed the part where they get the parents and all that so we will be filming the end on page 378.

I pull out my script and read the scene, shit it's kinda lovey dovey ish, of course it is.
Come on man not when we are in a "fight"


-~~~The scene~~~

(Liam's Room)

"Well, the portal is closed thank goodness to your parents of course." Scarlett laughs
"Yeah lucky us huh." Liam laughs as well.
"We've been through complete hell in that dimension." Scarlett says laying on his bed.
"Well I mean it ALL wasn't bad." Liam says his face reddening.
"Oh really what is that?" Scarlett says smirking.

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