first kiss

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-He did it at his parents house around the holidays
- he took you to spend Christmas with his family and he was walking you up to his room he seen mistletoe hung up in the hally way
-"y/n look mistletoe "
-before you can look he kissed you
-it was sweet and passionate
-you kissed back

Richie :
-in front of the losers
-you were all having a move night
-you and him were cuddled close together and he just did it
-you kissed back because you love your boy

-you kissed him
-you guys have been together for 2 months and never kissed
-so you just kissed him
-but to your surprise he did not kiss back
-but once you pulled away he kissed you.
-blushing boy

-you we're walking to the mall with him to go see a movie with the rest of your friends (y'all were just hella late)
-you we're talking then when you got there he just kissed you
-yall weren't even together
-you kissed back tho
-he then asked you out
-we all know Lukas or Max had to hype him up to this

Boris :
-you met at a party
-y'all fr just met he said you were gorgeous and you thought he was hot
-then y'all got freaky

- after he lied bout his age
-you we're also 15 (I think in the movie he says he's 18 but he's really 15, I haven't watched it in a while so we are sticking with 18) and he told you he was 18 and that was a 3 year age difference and you didn't want him to get in legal trouble
-but as soon as he said he was if you just kissed him
-he was really shocked so he didn't kiss bad at first but then he dose

Miles: at school

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