Not The One

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Ben decided to take Miranda's advice and try and plan something nice for Anissa. She hadn't been returning his phone calls so he knew he would have to work his magic to make this work. He had her landlord open her apartment door so that he could get in. He cooked dinner, put flowers everywhere and turned on some music. Ben went into her bedroom and laid out a sexy silk dress that would easily come off. Then he went into her bathroom and started a bubble bath so that it would be ready when she arrived.

Ben was excited to work things out with Anissa so that they could build a future together. He was going to stop talking to the other women and learn to be satisfied with just Anissa. She was beautiful, curvy, successful and had a good head on her shoulders. He felt that he could make it work and build a life with her.

Ben stood in the kitchen finishing up dinner when he heard movement at the door. The door opened and Ben was prepared for her to not be excited to see him but she might appreciate his efforts. Anissa quickly came through the door but was followed by a tall, caramel skinned man who was kissing her and feeling her up. Ben was too stunned to move or speak because he couldn't believe it. Anissa was smiling and allowing the man to feel her up until she turned around and saw Ben.

"Ahhh," she screamed making the man jump and scream as well.

"Ben what the hell are you doing here?" Anissa yelled.

"I came to talk to you and see if we can work things out. But I see you are busy....cheating on me," Ben said surprised.

"Me cheating on you....Ben you have been sleeping with other women the entire time that we were dating. And it's not your neighbors fault that I know. I knew but her saying it just confirmed and gave me a reason to let you go. You love being with multiple women, you aren't husband material."

Ben stood there taking it all in because he was shocked that she actually wanted to break up with him this whole time.

"You know what I came here because I wanted to talk, work things out and tell you that I was going to let all that go so that we could work on us."

"Oh how sweet of you Ben to let go of all your hoes so that we could work things out and be together. I want someone who just wants me and doesn't have to force himself to be faithful or a one woman man."

Ben turned off the stove and walked pass them. "You're right.... I'm not husband material and I shouldn't have thought that making myself settle down with you was the right thing. Enjoy your night," Ben said as he grabbed his coat and keys to leave.

Miranda was standing in her kitchen scooping vanilla ice cream into a bowl when there was a knock on her door. She was pretty sure she knew it was Ben and she was immediately annoyed. When she opened the door Ben was standing there with a down look on his face.

"By the look on your face I take it that she didn't go for your expression of love. But it's still not my fault so don't try to upset me," Miranda said.

Ben continued to stand there quietly and Miranda looked at him swirling her hands trying to understand. "I went over and started cooking and planning a good evening for us. When she walked through the door she was kissing and letting some other man feel her up," Ben explained.

Miranda moved out of the way and Ben stepped into her apartment. "So she went and got another man that quick?" Miranda questioned.

"No, she was already with him while we were—

"While y'all were humping each other she was humping him also," Miranda said.

Ben shook his head yes and Miranda looked at him as she went to the kitchen to put toppings on her ice cream.

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