You're My Friend

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Two months had past and Ben was still struggling but doing much better. He was proud of himself because he had passed the three months that Miranda challenged him to. At this point it was just about being better, learning self control and being okay without sex. He was never into religion or very spiritual but he found himself talking to God, asking questions to deal with his pain and to get through his urges.

He put on his shoes and stood in the mirror getting ready to go out on a date with Miranda. They were going to go see a movie and get dinner. But he wanted to take her to Barnes and Nobles first because it was one of her favorite places. It was such a simple place but she was going to be so surprised and excited.
When Ben knocked on the door Miranda came to the door wrapped up in a blanket and her face was red and puffy.

"Miranda I thought we were going out, what's wrong?"

"I haven't been feeling good all day and I went to the store and ran into my ex Tucker. He was with the woman he cheated on me with and he said that they were about to get married. I gave that man five years of my life and never once did he mention marriage. But he cheats on me with her for a few months and within a year knows that he wants to make her his wife," Miranda explained with tears streaming down her face.

Ben quickly rushed to embrace as she cried. "Ben no, I have so type of germ and I don't want to get you sick too," Miranda said backing out of his arms.

"Miranda, I don't care about that I want to be here for you. Do you want me to go find him and beat him up? Ben said with a serious face.

Miranda giggled at Ben's suggestion. "No, beating him up isn't going to change what he did. And I don't want you getting into trouble for me."

"Miranda you are my friend, I'd do anything for you, what do you need from me?"

"Right now I don't know, I just don't feel good about myself right now. What is it about me that made him waste five years of my life. But he gets engaged to another woman within a year? Is it because I'm not tall and skinny? Is because I speak my mind too much? He always complained about me having so much to say."

"Miranda stop....look at me," Ben said wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You are Miranda Bailey, an extraordinary surgeon, direct, honest, compassionate, encouraging, beautiful, sexy woman. Any man would be blessed to have you. You are beautiful, your body is beautiful and just because he was blind doesn't mean it's not true," Ben said looking into her eyes.

Miranda smiled through her tears as she laid her face in his chest. "Ben, thank you for making me feel better but stop touching my booty."

"Oh sorry, I got a little carried feels nice."

"Thank you," Miranda said blushing.

"Your welcome. I wish you were feeling better because I'd planned to take you to Barnes & Nobles before going to the movies."

"Awww and there are some new books that I want. We can still go Benjamin, I will be fine," Miranda said before turning to go get ready.

Miranda threw on some jeans, a pair of sneaks and a blue sweater. She did her skincare routine to make her face look better because she didn't want to do makeup. When Miranda came back out Ben was sitting on the couch waiting.

"Oh Ben I have something for you that I meant to give you after you had completed the three months," Miranda said as she walked over to her desk.

Ben smiled wondering what it could possibly be. Miranda turned around with a huge smile on her face as she held a key up. Ben's face lit up and he jumped up from the couch.

"You're finally giving me a key to your apartment. Oh I have so many plans, thank you Miranda," Ben said excitedly.

"Whoa Ben, this key is only for emergencies and when it's absolutely necessary," Miranda explained.

Ben looked at her and then began to remove a key from his key ring. "Here is your key for my apartment, come in whenever you want to," Ben said softly and Miranda just looked at him.

Miranda strolled around the book store looking at books and picking ones out. "You have a budget Miranda so slow down," Ben said holding the hand basket.

"Why would I have a budget when you're an attending," Miranda replied making Ben roll his eyes.

Miranda finished shopping and went to the register. The cashier smiled at them, "Awww this is so nice of your husband to bring you book shopping."

Ben smiled hearing the cashier call him Miranda's husband, it gave him butterflies. "Oh no this is my friend but he is sweet isn't he," Miranda replied. Ben felt a slight ache in his chest when Miranda just referred to him as her friend. He was her friend but hearing husband sounded better to him.

They ate dinner first then headed to the movies. Miranda's symptoms started getting worse as she coughed, sneezed and started to experience chills in the movie theater.

"Okay, maybe we shouldn't have come out because you're getting worse. We should leave so you can go lay down," Ben said.

As they rode home Miranda was shivering and Ben touched her forehead, feeling for a fever. He quickly stopped to the store and bought medicine and some ingredients to make soup. When they got home Miranda took a shower while Ben prepared soup. He knew she wouldn't be hungry but wanted it ready for when she was. When she got out the shower, he cut a potato up and put it in her socks.

Ben went over to his apartment and got ready for bed before returning to Miranda's and got in the bed with her. When he got in bed Miranda rolled over, threw her leg over him and laid on his chest. Ben held her close, covered them up with her covers and rubbed her back. Everything was quiet for awhile as he watched her sleeping on his chest and she was still shivering every few minutes. Ben was just watching tv when Miranda called his name.

"Ben....I love you. Thank you for being my friend," Miranda said with stuffy nose.

Ben felt a flutter in his stomach, "I love you too Miranda. And no, thank you," Ben leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"You're going to end up sick too."

"I know but it's okay," Ben said rubbing her back.

*This book has been so much fun to write. And I'm glad that y'all are enjoying it. I still have several ideas for this book so look forward to more chapters.*

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