2. Be professional or get caught

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'' Some people play victims of crimes they committed.''

The day goes so fast, I was tired so I didn't go anywhere. It is dinner time, I am waiting for mom's call for me and Michael, but she is not calling. 'It is weird. I hope everything is fine.' As I said that to my chin, I went down the stairs, hoping that out of a great hurry and a hard day she just forgot about dinner .

I am leaving my room. I am passing next to fence

The first room I am checking is dad's office, today I saw he didn't locking the door of office, I guess because of great hurry, but I can check what is he hiding there, locked. The door is slightly ajar. With one eye I am watching through the room. Dad's office is empty. '' That is my chance'' I jumped of happiness. The papers are all through the room. It is so messy. I never saw my dad's room or anything at the least messy. But for me that is beautiful mess for me, because my chance for seeking what my dad hide lock is here, in front of me. A mountain of paper, books and binders. I am starting before my brother, mom or the worst dad comes in. I am starting with binders with sign of Silverwood academy. There are tons of them. I found the deal papers with them about some project. I am not having enough time so I took photos of them. It turned out that I signed them, but I didn't. I know what I signed, dad said me to read every paper what I sign, and for sure I never before sign paper with Silverwood sign. So they falsified the signature. 'I can't believe, they knew I won't sign anything with Silverwood so they falsified MY signature that is a crime. 'I am so mad, and like icing on a cake my dad enters the room. He is so mad too , I can see it. He is grabbed my hand and yell, drag me to the living room, my mom is already in room, my brother coming down the stairs because he hear yelling. While he's coming down the stairs, so much happened, in this moment he is moving like in slow motion.

''Are you on your own? I was pretty clean, you can't enter my office.'' I can see his anger in his eyes, for the first time in my whole life I can see that he is really mad at me. He is yelling at me, he never, ever did that. But that isn't fair.

''I can't believe, you are hidding things from me and you are mad. Here I am the only person who has right to be mad.'' I crossed my hands like child.

''I am hiding things and that is my full right, do you have ''-

''I sent her there.'' That is my brother voice, I know, he never lets me to deal with problem myself. He always joins. What sometimes is annoying.

''You sent her, why?'' Dad asked with curiosity in his eyes.

''I lost one paper between yours so I sent her to get it for me. Why is that problem?''

''You know that she can't enter my office and you sent her there. What you thought about? ''

''The company is on her name dad, she has right to be there. If you didn't want her around then you had to think about that when you signed papers on her name and...''-

''You falsified my signature!'' I couldn't take it anymore. 'Dad why?''

''Sweetheart, I know you are upset, but I think that you got things a little wrong.''

''I got it a little wrong dad? Really ,are you out of your comebacks 'cause I would never sign Silverwood academy's papers.''

''Don't talk to me like that.You don't like signing papers ,fine, I will re-sign it on me back or at least on Reginald'' Dad said ,I just stand here. I can't move, I am in shock.

'' I think them maybe all of us have to '' my mother is joining conversation ''forget tonight disagreements and go to your rooms. '' she has hope in her eyes so I'm not sure that I want to go deeper in conversation.

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