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When I got back, I don't think my sister let go of me for about an hour. We both cried, and I had felt a bit guilty for not even thinking about how worried she would be when I disappeared.
I left out the parts of the weekend about me and Reid together, just saying some guy who lived in a cabin took me in.

My sister was all I had. Our life with our family wasn't safe, and we made it out together. Ever since then we promised to stick together.
I ended up staying at her place for the night. Although the weather was perfect that night, I lie awake unable to relax.
The fresh linen smell of the sheets wasn't the same as Reid's musky scent and the covers piled on top of me couldn't keep me warm like he did.
After hours of restlessness, my body finally forced itself to sleep from the long day.

I woke up feeling groggy from only a few hours of sleep.
My sister Cara made me my usual coffee with a splash of milk. I enjoyed how the caffeine helped me get up, but was craving the tea that I learned to love.
I left her apartment after some breakfast, needing to catch up on a lot today. I had to meet with the police again to discard my missing persons case, as well as run some much needed errands.
I had no food left at my place and I picked up some food, including some of the tea that Reid has.
I was thankful that my car got dropped off later today at my apartment. I went out later, grabbing some dinner with a few friends I had at work.
They wanted to see me and make sure I was ok after everything.
I truly tried my best to have a good time, but I still couldn't get my mind off of Reid.
Somehow over four days, I became connected with him in a way that I haven't with anyone else before.
He was so fucking stubborn, but so gentle with me. And the way he took care of me, made me feel like I was meant to be there.
"Mila, you alright?" My friend snapped me out of my thoughts.
I laughed it off, nodding before rejoining the conversation.

I drove back home, stopping to look up at the pitch black sky about all the city lights. Not a star in the sky.
I walked into my small apartment kitchen, bringing a pot of water to a boil. I took out a large mug and one of the tea bags I bought earlier.
I let the tea steep in the hot water for a few minutes before taking a sip.
It almost tasted bitter as I drank it, and after attempting to drink more I just poured it down the sink.
I took a long shower, letting the steam completely fill the room as I lathered shampoo in my hair.
Still not feeling ready to go to bed yet, I sat by the window and took out a book to read. It was one of those stupid romance novels, but fuck it. It was sweet.

I looked up at the clock to see it was really getting late. I decided I should put away the book and get ready to go to sleep. Changing into some pajamas, I slid into bed when I heard a knock on my door.
It was probably Cara freaking out about something stupid at this hour, so I grudgingly got out of bed and pulled open the door.
"What could you possibly need to-"
I stopped, seeing that it was definitely not my little sister at the door. It was a massive guy standing in front of me, that familiar smell filling my nose.
My body reacted on its own, basically throwing myself into his body. Reid quickly catches me, wrapping his arms around me as hold onto him as if he might go away if I let go.
My mind fills with so many questions, but I'm just happy he's here in front of me right now.

He gently sets me down after a few minutes, keeping his hands on my waist.
"Wait? How are you here right now? Do you know where I live? Why'd you come-"
He squeezes my waist, making me stop talking.

"Hold on Bambi, that's a lot of questions"
He smiles down at me,
"I went to the police station today and got your address saying you left something behind."
His hand strokes my cheek softly and I beam up at him.
"But I didn't forget anything?"
He takes his hand from behind his back, revealing a pile of t-shirts.
"You said you slept better in these than your own clothes. I wanted you to have some."
I lean up, giving him a quick kiss.
"Thank you. I missed you so much Reid"
He gives me a sad smile
"I miss you too Bambi"
I take the shirts from him, inviting him in.
"Here, I'll take these to my room. Come in and make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back and I can make us some tea."
I give him a smile, walking to my room to put his shirts away.
"I just bought some herbal tea today, I hope you like it. I wasn't really a fan."
I laugh, heading back out to an empty room.
I look around my apartment with no sign of him. And it's not exactly like he's easy to miss.
I looked down the hall leading to my place and called for him but no answer.
Tears flood my eyes, seeing that he's gone.
For the second time I had let him slip away from me and was left alone.
Why did he just leave?
He came all the way down here and found out my address just to drop off some t shirts and go without saying goodbye?
I fought the tears about to fall from my eyes as my sadness turned to anger.
Who the fuck does that? Was I not even worth a goodbye to him?
I went to bed feeling hurt, but truly just feeling alone sleeping without him.
I tossed and turned for a while, finally getting over my anger and just changing into one of his shirts.
At least I might be able to sleep now.

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