That Wasn't for Him, it Was for You (Chapter .5)

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I sat down in my English class and smiled at Alec. He smiled back, his dark brown hair shining in the dull school lights. Light brown eyes met mine as a sarcastic look flashed across them. I smirked and rolled my eyes before getting hit in the back of the head with someones book. I flinched and moved my chair forward, mumbling incoherent words as I threw a glare at Jordan. She gave me a sickly sweet smile in return. I turned back to my book, which was lying in front of me, and sighed.

"Bear trap..." I hear a familiar voice say while coughing to cover it up.

"Too messy." I also cough into my words, making them barely recognizable.

"Fox trap." The voice replied and coughed after.

"Excuse me Alec, if you would please stop coughing maybe I could actually get through a lesson." Mr. Monroe hissed at him and sent a glare at our row. I cleared my throat to keep myself from laughing and risked a glance at Alec, seeing that he was already looking at me. I crinkled my eyes, giving off the expression that I was smiling, but my mouth wasn't turned upright. He gave me a lopsided smile before turning his attention to the lesson on our fifty new vocabulary words. Mr.Monroe looked at his desk and sharply asked,

"Mira, can you give me a basic definition of sophomoric?" I opened my mouth and then quickly closed it, quickly examining the word I broke it down.

"Any day now Ms. Black." Monroe exhaled slowly and Jordan and Erin snickered. I rolled my eyes and replied in a monotone voice.

"Sophomoric is usually defined as a sophomore being overconfident, or immature. I could name some people in this class who are sophomoric." I looked at Jordan in the corner of my eye. She snorted and flicked her pencil across the room at me. She missed. Alec made a quiet, ooh noise and one of my other friends, Jack, chuckled.

Mr. Monroe just shot Jordan a glare and quieted the class, continuing the lesson.


    During lunch I grabbed my tray of slob and sat down next to Jack. He smiled at me and went back to picking at his tray of mess before pausing and nudging my shoulder with his elbow,

"So, how have you been Mira?" I shrugged and replied,

"I've been better." He gave me a sad smile.

"Still moping 'bout that man crush?" I raised my eyebrow, but laughed.

"How did you know?" He was about to answer but Alec walked up to us and sat in his seat, huffing as he did so.

Jack and I looked at him, confused.

"Someone trashed my locker. I had to clean egg yoke from inside it, and now my basketball clothes smell." He didn't seem as mad anymore, but I could see the hurt in his eyes. He was the nicest person I've ever known and I couldn't think of one soul that would dare hurt him.

I said the first thing that came to my mind to cheer him up.

"Well, that proves my theory that half of the people in this school are assholes." He chuckled and messed up my hair, his brow knitted together with an untold emotion as his brown eyes lightened a bit.

"They're just jealous because they'll never be half the man you are." I grunted my agreement with Jack's statement and noticed a faint hue of red on Alec's cheeks.

My phone buzzed and I quickly took it out of my purse, checking the persons ID.

Unknown: That wasn't for him. It was for you.

I frowned and sent a text back at the unknown number.

Me: Who is this?

The writing box appeared and I waited for the response.

Unknown: Nobody of importance.

I looked around the cafeteria and saw many people on their phones, boys and girls. Teachers and janitors. Every other person was on their private device.

Unknown: If you're trying to find me then good luck. The odds of accomplishing that are one to nothing.

My thumbs typed my response before my brain registered what was happening.

Me: So you admit you're in my school. What do you look like?

His response was faster than I expected.

Unknown: Now why would I tell you that?

I frowned and started to put away my phone, but a new text caught my attention.

Unknown: Fine. I'll humor you. Blonde hair, brown eyes.

I raised my eyebrows at my screen. That narrows it down to about one-fourth of the schools population.

Unknown: Around 6'5", extremely handsome...

Me: I know one guy of that description, but he isn't 'extremely handsome.'

Unknown: He's more good looking than your geeky friends.

Me: My friends are not geeky!

Me: Shaun.

A hand tapped my shoulder and I looked up from my phone screen. Brown eyes and blonde hair met my gaze as I stared at Shaun. He narrowed his eyes at me, hand now resting on my arm. Firm but warm. Tingles shot down my arm and I looked from his hand to his eyes. His grip on my arm tightened as he pulled me from my sitting position.
"Hey!" I yelped and tried to pry his hand off. Jack and Alec got up too and glared at Shaun.
"What do you think you're doing Shaun?" Alec questioned, but didn't come to get me away from the blonde. Shaun growled in an eerie, animalistic way. I peered into his brown eyes and for a second, I thought that they turned a forest green. I shook my head discreetly, thinking that it was the sharp scented cologne that made my brain not function properly. I yanked my arm away from him but almost whimpered at the coldness that now enveloped it. Almost. Shaun must have noticed something because he smirked and stepped in front of me. 

"If you'll excuse us..." He sneered at my friends. Jack glanced at me before looking down and avoiding anymore eye contact. I shifted my pleading gaze to Alec and he took a small step towards me. Allowing a small flicker of relief to rush over me, but a growl stopped that relief. I looked at Shaun and then Alec as they stared at one another, seeming to be having an internal battle before Alec broke away from the staring contest and stepped away.

"A-Alec?" I stuttered and frowned. Well...Time to take things into my own hands.

I whipped around and, once again, ripped my arm from the blonde boys grasp, glaring at him. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Just randomly coming into my life and doing some weird mind control on my best friends to make them act all strange and trying to take me to who knows where? Who do you think you are?" My voice grew louder with ever word I spoke as I crossed my arms and glared at Shaun. Everyone seemed to freeze. And by the looks in everyone's eyes I got the impression that I just did something extremely stupid. I didn't want to turn and face Jack and Alec for then my back would be turned to the furious blonde that is Shaun. If he could have steam coming out of his ears he probably would, his neck vein was popping out and his face was turning a bit red.

"Who am I?" He questioned quietly, making me cringe from fear of what would happen next.

What did I just do?

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