Sweetheart, You Don't Want to Know Who I Am. (Chapter 1)

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"Who am I?" He raised he voice as he repeated the question again, "Sweetheart, you don't want to know who I am. Now come with me and nobody will get hurt." I froze and stared at him, my first thought was that Shaun probably was a serial killer or some sort of murderer, but the way he gently put his hand on the small of my back made me think otherwise. I spent another minute staring into his eyes before allowing him to push me along, leading me towards the office.

He stared at the secretary and she nodded before unlocking the door. I looked between Shaun and the lady and noticed she gave me an apologetic look before muttering in a drone voice.

"Better leave before the principal asks what's happening." Shaun gave her a glance that shut her up before once again, placing his hand on the small of my back, pushing me towards the open doors. 

We finally stopped in front of a white Lamborghini, of which make, I don't know. 

Shaun smirked and opened the door on the passenger side, "Well, get in." I waited by the door, just in case he would leave and I could escape.Eventually I sighed in defeat and got inside the car. He closed the door and pressed a button, making my side lock.

Once he got into the car and started it up, questions were pouring out of my mouth.

"Where are we going? Why me? What's up with that secretary lady? Why did you call me sweetheart? Why do I feel so weird around you? What is going on? Why do I feel tingles every time we touch? Why did your eyes change from brown to green? What-"

"Will you shut up?" Shaun yelled, glaring at me from the corner of his eye. "Everything will make sense once we get to our destination." I shut my mouth and looked out the window. Shaun cursed and ran a hand through his hair, making it look irresistibly messy.

"Mira, look I'm sorry, it's just-" I cut him off with a flick of my hand and didn't look at him as I spoke.

"I don't even know you. Yet I followed you into your car and now you're driving us to the middle of nowhere where you can kill me without anyone finding out. That's why the others were so scared of you and that's why I feel weird around you; because I knew something was wrong in your mind." I huffed and crossed my arms and legs, still refusing to look at my potential killer. I heard a chuckle come from Shaun and a weight was placed on my shoulders.

"Sure. I would totally kill my m-" He stopped short and trained his eyes on the road. I tried to ignore the feeling of his arm on my shoulders but the sparks spread through my skin and made me want to sigh and lean into him. What's wrong with me? 


I woke to something soft being pressed to my forehead and tingles making my thoughts slow down, a warm feeling spread from my head to my chest and I felt my heart rate incline. Slowly opening my eyes I stretched and mumbled,

"What the heck Alec, where am I?" I rubbed my eyes to clear the fuzziness when a deep chuckle caught my attention. 

"I'm not Alec, and we're here." I moved my hands away from my face and looked at Shaun. 

"Are you going to kill me now?" I whispered and Shaun sighed, helping me get out of the fancy, comfortable car. 

"You're just fixed on the idea that I'm going to murder you." He flattened my horrible bedhead and played with a strand of my brown and blue dip-dyed hair. I snorted and moved away from him.

"Why else would you bring me here..." I stared in awe at the beautiful cottage in front of me. "Whoa."

Shaun smirked and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the gorgeous building. I took note that the sun was setting and it looked like we were in the middle of a desert. I could even see lizards scuttling across the sand and tumble weeds in the background. Before he could take me inside, I stood still.

"Wait," I said as the blonde tried to usher me inside. "I still need answers to my questions." Shaun sighed and ran a hand through his hair before sitting down on the entrance stairs. He patted the spot next to him and I hesitantly sat down, before scooting away from him. He noticeably cringed,

"So what are some of these questions?" 

I took a deep breath and mentally sorted my questions from most normal, to the craziest.

"Where are we?" Was my first question, which Shaun answered quickly.

"We are in the great state of Arizona and in the northern part of the Sonoran Desert." My jaw dropped. We were about 5 hours away from my home, my school, and my friends. 

"I need to go back. My parents will freak when they notice I'm gone and I have my sports and my friends and-" Shaun cut me off with a knowing smirk.

"I've already informed your parents that I'll be stealing you and you no longer have to worry about school and your other friends." I frowned.

"But I like school and you have no right to 'steal' me from my parents and friends." 

"Well you can live without school for now and actually yes I do have the right." 

"What, are you my brother that I never knew about?" Shaun moved towards me and placed his hands on the wall behind me. I gulped. 

"No, I'm not related to you." He leaned towards me and his eyes were staring at me with a smoldering intensity. I placed my hands on his chest and shoved him away, ignoring the tingles that spread through my body when we touched. 

"Then why the hell am I here?" He chuckled but dragged his hand down his face. 

"I... I can't tell you exactly." I huffed and crossed my arms, glaring at him.

"Great, so I'm stuck with a dude I barely know for who knows how long." He sighed and whispered.

"Do you believe in werewolves?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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