8 ~ I Like you So Much Better When Your Naked

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"You're operating?" Meredith asks Richard as we walk up.

"I am."

"A whipple. That's big." I knew about the chief drinking and by Meredith's body language I assumed she did too.

"I say go big... or go home." He nods

"Uh, Excuse me, sir?" Jackson comes up. "You're taking Dr. Bailey's whipple?"

"Is that a problem?"

"No, not at all. No, I'm... I'm the resident on the case. I'm thrilled to be assisting you. I- I will be assisting you, right?" He asks

"You can open. That way Dr. Grey will be fresh when she dissects the neck of the pancreas from the portal vein."

"That's the hardest part," I comment. "That's a fifth-year procedure."

"That's what Dr. Grey and I have been practicing and I'm telling you. You're ready." He turned to Meredith. "But if you don't think you're ready..."

"No, no. I'm ready. I'm ready." She smiles.

"Nice Job." I fist-bump her and walk away, Jackson follows.

"Hey, Lia. Your friend just stole my surgery." He ran up to my side.

"You can still open. Its fine, you'll get another surgery. I promise." I kissed him. "Dinner tonight?"

"Sure." He kissed me back


"You need a hand?" Alex asks loudly over the loud singing In the E.R

"What?" Owen yells back.

"Can we help you?" I yell.

"You know what you can do first. You can make that stop." He pointed to the man singing.

Alex started walking up while I stayed.

"Dude! Stop Singing!" He yelled in his face.

"Im trying to get you, people, to understand the seriousness of the problem. I've lost my upper register completely." He yelled back.

I decide to walk up and help.

"Dr. Karev Dr. Reed this is Mr. Mafrici your consult."

"I just need some antibiotics. I open in 'Tosca' in a week. And he gave me bronchitis." The patient pointed to the man behind him.

"I di not give this to you!"

"Take a deep breath," I ask him

"He teaches piano to children. I can hear the hacking away during their lessons. And then he comes in the house and touches things."

"Stop talking," Alex commanded

"He's got decreased breath sounds on the left side. He's gonna need an X-ray."

"Can one of you take him up?" The nurse asked.

"Page an intern."

"I don't have time." Alex ran off and so did I. But Hunt was already gone.

"You got time now?" The nurse hand Alex the chart and the patient starts singing again.

"Have fun. Page me when there in." I walk away.

"I thought it was an infection, right? Like pneumonia?" Aaron asked.

"Oh that's one of the possibilities" I answered

"What are the others?"

"Well, the fluid could also indicate..." Yang started but was cut off by Teddy

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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