Team Spirit

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Isabella's POVMe, Mike, Kevin and Mia are in one of the big rooms in the Shiba House

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Isabella's POV
Me, Mike, Kevin and Mia are in one of the big rooms in the Shiba House. The reason is because it's Emily's Birthday tomorrow. Kevin checked outside of the room to make sure Emily didn't come here.

Kevin: "This is going to be tough to pull off."

Mia: "Have a little faith, Kev."

Me: "Come on. Once we got all of this stuff already, all we have to do is just hide it for tomorrow."

I put the box of the decoration at the table as Mike finished the color of the board and said 'Happy Birthday, Emily'.

Mike: "Tomorrow's going to be great. It's Emily's first birthday without her sister, but it's so cool we're doing something special for her."

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door that makes us terrified to see who it is. I hope it's not Emily. I pulled my samuraizer out just in case.

Me: "Who's there?"

The door opened and it was Jayden who was behind the door. All of us were relieved to see him.

Mike: "You should have seen your faces. It looked like Master Xandred was at the door."

Me: "Very Funny, Mike."

Kevin: "Ha Ha. We just didn't want Emily to find us."

Jayden: "The coast is clear. Emily went outside. What about the cake?"

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