Christmas Together, Friends Forever

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Isabella's POVThe team and I, minus Antonio, are at the Shiba House

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Isabella's POV
The team and I, minus Antonio, are at the Shiba House. We are celebrating Christmas at the Shiba House. This is my first time celebrating Christmas without the whole family. This is also my first time celebrating Christmas with Jayden, who is my boyfriend. So, it is really a new and also a different experience for me. Anyway, we are at the Shiba House celebrating Christmas for the first time as a team. Mentor Ji came back with a tree to decorate it. Me, Mia, Jayden, Kevin, and Mike are looking at the boxes of decorations.

Mentor Ji: "Ho, Ho, Ho. Now, that's what I call a christmas tree."

We see Mentor Ji with a tree.

Kevin: "Mentor."

Mike: "Awesome find, Mentor."

Me: "That's amazing."

We are walking to Mentor Ji.

Mentor Ji: "Yeah, it's the biggest one they had."

Mia: "Oh, it's looking a lot more like christmas."

Me: "Same here."

Mia: "Let's decorate. Do we have pink tinsel?"

Me: "Also, do we have white ornaments to hang?"

Mike: "Whoa. Let's get it up, first."

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