Boxed In

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3rd's POV
After the battle of Arachnitor, all five rangers but Jayden are at the Shiba House resting. The reason Jayden is not at the Shiba House is due to being kidnapped by Deker. Luckily, Antonio is not injured during the fight between Arachnitor, Deker and Octoroo. Anyway, Antonio and Mentor Ji see the 4 members of the team resting in their own beds.

Antonio: "Boy, man they're pretty banged up after that running with Arachnitor."

Mentor Ji: "Yes. Now the Sanzu River is seeping into our world, the nighlok is getting stronger. Soon, they will be too powerful for even our team to stop."

Both Antonio and Mentor Ji left the room as the other four rangers started to rest.

Mentor Ji: "It's crucial that you fill this black box with all the rangers' symbol powers."

Antonio: "Once we rescue Jayden, he and I will get in running in no time."

Mentor Ji: "Antonio, you must focus on the job at hand."

Antonio: "But Jayden is out there."

Mentor Ji: "Jayden will be the first to tell you. The black box is the priority."

Mentor Ji gives Antonio the black box.

Antonio: "But even the original red ranger couldn't finish this."

Mentor Ji: "Your lack of formal symbol power training will make this very difficult but you did build your own samurai morpher."

Antonio: "This is the ultimate hat job. My kind of challenge."

Mentor Ji: "I have faith that your high-tech skills will enable you to succeed where others have failed."

Antonio: "All right. I'm on it. With the others down, I know I have to pick up the slack."

Isabella's POV
I am waking up on the bed at the Shiba House. Me, Kevin, Mia, Mike and Emily are resting. Jayden is not here because of the kidnapping. I don't know if I have feelings for him or not after we are about to kiss. After Jayden's kidnapping, I realized now that I have feelings for Jayden. I need to tell him about it as quickly as possible.

Kevin: "There is no time to rest. It's our sworn duty to keep the world safe."

Kevin is standing up from the bed that he is on.

Kevin: "We're samurai. Nothing could stop us."

Kevin tried to walk on his own but he fell.

Mia: "Kevin!"

Me: "Oh My Goodness!"

3rd's POV
Antonio and Mentor Ji are in front of the black box. Antonio hacked into the black box.

Antonio: "Okay, I've hacked in. Now, I just have to format it to absorb our symbol powers."

Antonio was about to do it but he just passed out to the floor due to draining some of his symbol power to the black box.

Mentor Ji: "Antonio!"

Antonio: "I'm okay."

Mentor: "You must pace yourself. Using symbol power is incredibly draining. Don't overdo it."

Antonio: "And it who told me the whole world was at steak."

Antonio is standing up from draining his symbol power.

Antonio: "I have to do everything I can."

Antonio opens his morpher to get ready.

Antonio: "Let's try again."

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