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Leo:I wonder what my bf is doing
Alex: I'm Here babe
Alex:I also got you gummy bears
Alex's mind:He's so childish and cute it's adorable.
Leo's mind:Yay I got gummy bear my favorite.I'm going to eat them all now.
Leo reach's out his hand to get his gummy bears.
Alex:Oh I forgot there's a carnival open wanna go?

                    •At the carnival•
Leo:Thank you for taking me here babe
Alex:Your welcome 🤗
Leo:uh oh
Alex:what happened?
Leo:My parents are coming home now
Alex: It's fine, maybe you should tell them-
Leo:That I'm dating a guy and is on a date with him at the carnival 🙃
Alex:No tell them your at the carnival with your "Bestie"
Leo:That'll do
Parents text:be home by 10:30-ish
Leo's text:Okay
Leo:they said at least 10:30-ish
Alex: okay it's 8:30 we got 2 hours left
Leo: Okay come on let's get cotton candy
The boy proceed to have fun for the rest of the time before it hit 10:30.
Leo:I had fun let's go get dinner together tomorrow
Alex's mind:He's so cute
Alex: okay
Leo:bye babe
Leo arrives home safely only to see that it's 11:00 and his parents waiting for him.
Leo:Hey mom.Hey dad
Leo's dad:How did you get gummy bears?
Leo's mind:Shit I forgot the gummy bears on the table
Leo: you know how I mentioned I was with my bestie well I got the gummy bears from him earlier because we didn't know we were going to go to the carnival until later. yeah...
Leo's mom: okay that makes sense but why did he get you gummy bears?
Leo: because he got me some snacks and we were just eating
Leo's dad: oh yeah how come when we check the trash can because we were throwing away some food we found no other snacks
Leo's mind:shit shit shit shit shit shit think Leo think.
Leo:Because he wasn't finished eating his snacks so he took it to the carnival
Leo's dad: okay oh by the way we're not going to come home tomorrow until 1:00 am okay

              •with Leo's parents•
Leo's mom: why did you tell him we're coming 1:00 am
Leo's dad: I know we're coming like a 9:00 but so we can spy on him to see if he's doing anything while we're gone
Leo's mom:okay

Unfortunately for the parents Leo overheard the conversation so he text his boyfriend.
                   Leo Baby is calling
Alex:Babe why did you call my it's 12:30
Leo: my parents said that they're coming at 1:00 am but they're not they're coming at 9:00 so they're going to be spying
Alex: okay if they're going to be spying then just call me bestie or well Alex so they won't find out
Leo:okay love you babe goodnight
Alex: sweet dreams babe

Hello it's me the Creator I'm going to continue this in part 2 so you can read it or you can just leave and read something else cuz why not.

not to mention I'm the only one who made this

My little gummy bearWhere stories live. Discover now