Time to grow up

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Leo and Alex wake up.Leo realizes that they needed more food and from the left over of the money his mom gave him before she died AKA 3.5 Billion dollars he decides to go grocery shopping.Alex on the other hand is going to take care of Emily while Leo is out shopping.

•at the shops•🤪🤪🤪

Leo:ah there's the cereal
????:Hey pancake

Leo turns around in shock.IT WAS HIS EX.

Leo:We broke up.Im not your pancake
Kai:Come on~
Leo:Stop your making me uncomfortable
Kai:No worries

Leo's pov:
Kai smiles at me then pins me on the wall.I slap him as hard as I can then I run off.

Narrator pov:

Kai:come on pancake~
Kai:Come back kitty~
Leo:STOP Im not dating you okay so STOP

Kai proceeds to catch up with Leo then pulls his hoodie off and took his mask off

Kai:Now you've been a bad boy~
Leo:No let me go
Kai:One kiss
Worker:I'll help

The Worker and Kai fought before Kai knocked out the Worker.While they were fighting that gave Leo enough time to run.

•with Alex•💀
Emily: I don't wanna
Alex:But you need too take a bath.Leo told me that.
Emily:I don't care
Alex:fine then I guess I'll eat your ice cream I got you:p
Emily:You got me ice cream
Emily:Fine just because I want ice cream
Alex:then go take one
Emily:I will

Once Emily go to the bathroom the front door flungs open.😏💅

Alex:Babe are you okay?

Alex sees that Leo's mask and hoodie got ripped.Leo jumps on Alex hug him in tears.

Leo:I got the food hehe...
Alex:I can fix it I know how to knit
Leo:how when I don't have the parts
Alex:your right.I'll get you another one
Leo:You would?
Leo:But, people saw us kiss on the kiss cam
Alex:I forgot
Leo:yeah ..
Alex:I'll still do it
Alex:Your welcome

As the boys go to sleep Leo started to wonder something.

Leo's mind:I wonder why he carries a notebook.He wouldn't mind.Right?

Leo goes ahead and grabs the notebook and start flipping to the pages until he flick to the page where everything went downhill.Leo realizes that this note was from 4th grade.
Dear diary
I don't know how to confess my feelings to someone I like. Giving the fact that my parents have died when I was six I still wonder how will I ever take care of myself because my parents are not here and I have to take care of my little sister and the only job I can really do is just sell lemonade or my old stuff the house May fall down to another person's hand because I know I won't make them much money and I care about my little sister because she is very special to me and she is a 4-year-old. one habit I like to do with my little sister is to stargaze with her but I want to do it with the person I like and her so we can all sit under the moon and the stars and just smile altogether while hugging. The person I like is Leo petunia.well bye Dairy.


Leo's mind:I'm going to stop reading it

Leo turns to see that his bf is in shock.
He's see that he is looking into his dairy.

What it said
January 1st,???? Middle school
Dear diary,
It's me Leo. I wanted to say I'm so happy that I stuck with a diary to keep all my thoughts in here. I'm so happy with my boyfriend Alex but my parents are forcing me to date a girl or a boy and a they pick boy. I was happy for a while until I didn't start liking him anymore. Because of all the bad things he done to me I don't really want to go into details because I know this is my diary but I really don't want anything to go into details. Alex on the other hand it treats me perfectly and doesn't force me to do things honestly if I can pick three person to keep in my whole entire life I would say my little sister Emily and Alex and his little sister.
Happy New years even though it past last night but yeah bye diary.


The boys look at each other. Then they  there took dairy back.

Creator is back I just wanted to say hi as

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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