Uh Oh...

4 0 0

Leo wakes up then rembers that he was hugging Alex.Leo tries to get up but is suddenly pulled down.

Alex:Come hug me more
Leo:sure right after I use the restroom

Leo gets up and walks outside his room to go use the restroom.

Alex's mind:Should I ask him to go the concert with me?Yeah I will It starts at  8:00 maybe his parents will say yes
Leo:I'm back
Alex:Do you want to go to the concert with me
Leo:Yeah that sounds fun plus my mom and dad can watch it from TV:)
Leo:But can we get breakfast I'm hungry
Alex:sure just put on a hoodie so nobody knows it's you
Leo:okay 😌💅

Leo puts on a hoodie with a face mask to cover his face.

Alex:okay let's go

The boys go eat at wacdonalds and go to the park for a bit.

                             •At park•
Leo: okay can I go home?

Leo rushes to his house.luckly Alex didn't see his cuts.

Leo:Where's the bandages..FOUND IT let's put it on

2minutes later

Alex:let's go to your room

With Leo's parents

Leo's mom:let check on Leo
Leo's dad:okay

Leo's parents go check on Leo.

Leo:mom and dad why are you here me and my "bestie"
Leo:are watching a movie
Leo's mom:okay bye

With Leo

Leo:what time is it?
Alex: it's 7:01 we'll start going in 30 minutes
Alex:put the same again
Leo:will do
Alex:I want you to have okay
Leo:I am
Alex: good

30 minutes pass by and the boys go to the concert.

Leo:can we get ice cream
Alex: Sure
Worker:who can I help you guys?
Alex:can I get rocky road and vanilla with gummy bears on top.
Worker:Okay that's 10.67$
Alex:Okay here
Worker:Have a nice day
Alex and Leo:You too

The boys start walking to the concert.

Leo:can I try some of yours

Alex licks the icecream and pulls down Leo's mask and kisses him giving him the bit of ice cream.Leo blushes.

Leo:Why did you give your ice cream like
Alex:cause I get kiss out of it(chuckles)
Leo:let's just watch the concert wait kiss cam
Alex:I wonder who it will be

The kiss cam points at Alex and Leo.

Leo: don't do I-

Alex kisses Leo.Leo tilts a little then his hoodie came off.

Your guys it's me the Creator it's literally night like 1:00 a.m. and I just wanted to say this is the third part and I might make it fourth but I'm going to just take a little break for a while because this took a long time.

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