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Esmeray, 20 years old

The present, San Francisco, California, 11:00 Am

"Ma'am?" A scared whisper from the door. "Excuse me, Ma'am?" A tall man, who looks around 16, say's a little louder, with a soft knock.

I glance up from my work, causing him to flinch. He runs his hand through his brown hair nervously, bending his shoulder forward as if he didn't want to be a burden, and a file clenched in his hands.

"Sorry, I don't mean to bother you, miss," growing panicked, "I mean ma'am." he laughs nervously. I blink at him which seems to make him flinch again, "you look good today ma'am. Not saying you don't look good everyday. You do. I just mean that your hair looks nicer." he rambles on, jestering to my black hair which looks the same as it does every day.

He try's to keep talking but I hold up a hand, "Mr wright, there is no need to ramble. Just get on with what you came in here to say," speaking calmly as I lower my hand onto the desk interlacing my fingers.

He nods his head as he goes to take a seat, "Please call me Max." Reaching his hand across my desk to shake mine. I ignored it, "why should I hire you as my assistant, Mr. wright? It's a hard job and you aren't even a legal adult yet."

He lowers his hand, clearing his throat and slides the file across the desk, "this is why I am the perfect fit," I grab the file flipping through it as he rambles on about how he graduated high school early and practically became a young genius.

I fidget with my lip as I scan through all his qualifications, glancing at him I see the hopeful pleading look in his eyes. "mmh." I mumble as he blinks at me. When I look at him I see an innocent soul with potential to be great if given a chance. I look down again, narrowing my eyes, "It says here your older brother is your guardian," he nods with a worried look, "when will he be by to sign your permit papers?"

As soon as it processes in his mind, his face lightens up,"as soon as possible," he says quickly, jumping out of his seat, "thank you! You have no idea what an honor it is to work with you. Your company has been on the rise for years ever since you started it just at 16 and you are like my idol. Oh my god. I'm going to be working for Esmeray Genovese!" He rambles on.

"Mr. wright." I say trying to get his attention.

He stops jumping around, "right, right, sorry I didn't mean to be overwhelming. I'll go now." he says stumbling backwards, "you won't regret this." He says as he almost trips over his own feet.

I smile a bit but as soon as it's there it's gone. He reminds me of my little sister.

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