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Present day, 19 yrs old, San Francisco, California.

"You should wear something sexy!" Jasmine yelled as she raided my closet, throwing clothes at me. I caught a few but a pair of black jeans, that I forgot I owned, hit me in the face causing me to fall back with an 'ow'. Sitting up with the pile of clothes in my lap, "oh come on, Jas. I just folded most of this stuff yesterday." I say with a sigh.

"WHO CARES THIS IS A CRISIS!" she shouts dramatically, stepping out of the closet.

"It's not that bad." I say, frowning at the clothes that I had tossed onto my bed. Jas walks over to me and ruffles through the clothes, pushing her shaded glasses onto her head, causing the underneath of her black hair that was blonde to show more.

"Okay," she lets out a breath when she grabs the black ripped jeans, "this is good." Tossing it to me she digs through the rest, finding a red lace top, "Oo, lala" she says with an accent, tossing it to me. She goes through the clothes again and pulls out a short leather jacket, tossing it at my face, "go put those on." she points towards the bathroom then tosses the rest of the pile into my closet.

Heading over to my jewelry drawer, she opens it and looks through it, "okay," I point towards her, worriedly, "do not throw those." She waves her hand dismissively as I close the bathroom door.

A few minutes later I walk out of the bathroom to see Jasmine standing in front of the mirror applying her eyeliner and lip gloss. A pair of earrings, rings and bracelets lay on my nightstand where Jas had placed them for me to wear.

"Do I really have to wear this?" I ask dusting off my jeans.

Jasmine looks at me and smiles, "Oh my god, you look so hot."

"That doesn't answer my question." I point out.

"Shut up." Laughing, she turns back to the mirror.

I start putting on my jewelry as Jasmine finishes her makeup. Jumping up she turns towards me, "how do I look?" smoothing her hands over her black lace top and blue jeans.

I give her a thumbs up, "you look good. Super superior."

"Well thank you." she says with a bow causing me to smile.

8:00 Pm

"Back up, slowly." I tell Jasmine over the phone as she reverses into the parking space." "Slower, Jas!"I shout over the phone, "StOP, SToP." Jumping back before she could hit me with her car.

"Oops, sorry, Es!" Jasmine says as she hops out of the car, walking towards me, with a sorry smile and hanging up the phone.

I let out a breath with my hand on my chest, "you could have injured me!"

Jasmine throws her hands in the air, "Oh come on don't be a baby," she pinches her pointer and thumb together, "it would have only bumped you a little bit." Holding it up to me.

I hit her hand out of the way, "whatever, let's just get in line. It looks long." Looking over to the long line of people.

Jas locks the car, her heels clicking on the floor as she walks towards the club, "Es, you know I'm smarter than that. I already called in saying the famous, ' Esmeray Genovese' is coming and they gave a VIP." smiling to herself.

Shaking my head I follow her as she walks up to the club and the bouncer lets us in. As soon as we walk through the door the sounds full blast and the LED lights flash red. The energy seems to radiate. Throughout the club people danced, all over each other, some even making out. The smell of alcohol and drugs wafting around the room.

Two bars on either side of the giant room along with a few stripper poles and both women and men dancing on them, practically naked. The walls had designs on them of koi fish and dragons and writing on the walls in Japanese.

A male server had been leading us to the VIP seats when I had been admiring the writings. I could read them, it was one of the languages I had learned since it was Jasmine's first language.

I had stopped walking when I saw writing on the wall in Japanese that said something my father had once told me.

"Blood is blood and love is love," A deep voice sounds from next me, reading the writing off the wall.

"But family should always be both." I spoke with a breath reciting the rest of the saying off the wall and from memory.

"You speak Japanese?" the man next to me asks.

A bit startled I glanced over to him to see him facing me. Black hair tousled and arms crossed. His muscles showing through his out fit and his black shirt unbuttoned.

I would be lying if I said I didn't think he was attractive. Because he was very attractive.

And his grey eyes were set on me with curiosity.

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