"Okay. Well then. I can already see how this gang has many potential so, sure why not." I accepted to join.
"E-eh? Already made up your mind? That quick?" He was quite shocked from my quick response since I did say that I would think about it. "Yep. Well then Its time for me to go back now. You wanna come, Rin, Ran?"
[ Continuation ]
.3rd POV:
"YES!" They both responded quickly, and got up, rushing to takemichi's side. As The tall male walk out, he waved at the gang without turning back. He was smiling.
To izana:
"Alright gang, meeting dismissed!" He yelled out to the gang as the members started to go away. "What do you think of him, kakucho?" Izana asked his so-called servant. "Oh, Takemichi?"
"Yeah, him, you know him?" Izana asked.
"Yeah, he's my childhood friend!" He said, proud. "Really? How did you guys met?" He asked the scarred guy. "Well, it was when I was being picked on by older gang members because I had this scar on my face" he pointed at his scar. "I was about to get beaten up before he showed up out of nowhere and got beaten up instead of me" he said while looking up at the sky. "Damn, getting beaten up in your place, he's brave for a guy like him..." izana added. "Indeed he was." Kakucho agreed with his boss. "Mmmm..."
"What is it Izana?"
"Well.....this makes me..........." he looked down as if he was sad.
"Y-you okay there izana? Did he do something wrong?!" He panicked.
"Makes me want him for myself!" He looked back up with his crazy look in his eyes, shocking kakucho.Back to takemichi.
"So where do you guys wanna go?" Takemichi asked the brothers who was walking beside him, rin on his left and Ran on his right. "Dunno, the mall?" Rin suggested. "Why not?" Takemichi agreed with his suggestion. Ran only nodded. "Well then lets go!" They started to walk faster to the direction of the mall. As they were quickly walking, someone, a long white hair guy, bumped into takemichi, making himself stumble to the ground.
"Ow.." The guy said.
"You okay there? You fell down quite hard" Takemichi asked the guy with a mask as he lent his hand for him to get up.
"Yeah yeah I'm fine" he said as he got back up.
"Hmm..arent you....Sanzu haruchiyo from toman?" Takemichi asked.
"Uh...yeah? And you are...?" He said.
"Oh! My bad, I'm Hanagaki, hanagaki Takemichi, and this is Rin Haitani" he introduced himself and then pointed toward rin, only to see him smile and waving. "And this is Ran Haitani" he pointed at Ran as the braided boy waved. "Nice to meet you Sanzu-kun"
"Hum...Nice to meet you to..I guess?" Sanzu said
"So what are you up to now? Do you have anything to do?" Takemichi asked.
"No, not really why?" Sanzu asked.
"Well if you dont mind, would you like to join us in out shopping spree?" He smiled at the male who was standing infront of him, making him blush under his mask. "I guess I don't mind, I have nothing to do so, sure."
Small note:
Sanzu: 15——————————————————————————————————————————————————————
539 words
——————————————————————————————————————————————————————Ahaha sorry for the short chapter :)

AllTake | The other personality....
FanficThis is my first story! Please bear with me as i've never written these kind of stories before ^^' I do not own any characters from Tokyo revengers ! There will be no yaoi...maybe? Maybe a slight yaoi- Reason: In case family reads this 💀 Slow updat...