max m.

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summary - sleepover with the amazing, spectacular, out of this world, never done before, mind-blowingly attractive, overall the best ever — max mayfield 😍😍

(set in season 3, mid-june)


hawkins, indiana 1985

Music blasted from your stereo in a pattern that made everything else around you inaudible. But that's how you liked it, especially when you were making out with your girlfriend. It was just you, her, and the music.
    Max grinned before kissing you for the millionth time in a row, yet, it never got old. Her lips were quick on yours, her hands rested on either side of your neck. This is what you had both done for most of the summer so far, school was out and you couldn't have been more in love with the redheaded girl in front of you,

"Okay, okay, okay." You laughed, Max finally pulling her face a few inches away from yours, "My dads out of town so I say we go get slushees."

"Mmm," Max pondered, the kind of ponder that, for knowing her long enough, you could tell her infamous sarcasm wasn't far, "I say we just stay here and make out for the rest of our lives instead."

Yup, there it was.

"Whatever, Mayfield." You rolled your eyes with a smile, stepping off of your bed and grabbing her hand as she tried to pull you back towards her.

"Cmonnn." She sighed, giving you those same puppy dog eyes she always did.

"You c'mon.. I'll get blue razz?" You offered, knowing how she loved the way she got a cherry slushee and you got blue razz just to kiss and make your tongues purple. This was definitely enough to convince her with the way she sprung off the bed, pulling you along as you laughed, running to catch up.

It was a warm summer day, not the unbeatable heat that made your cheeks burn from the sun but not a day drenched in rain either. You and Max interlocked fingers, grinning as you made your way to the gas station only a block or two away from your house. Holding hands with her was unsuspecting for the public, like you were simply best friends, or close friends, or maybe super close friends. When in all actuality, you were girlfriends. But you and the redhead beside you decided that keeping it a secret was better than death threats and bullying.
In fact, keeping it a secret wasn't as hard as the both of you thought it'd be. Most days of the great summer of '85 were spent with Max Mayfield, her and her fiery orange hair and the freckle constellations dotting her face that you could spot like a pro-astronomer.

And Max? Well, she just loved everything about you. Which sounded cliche and boring, like every cheesy romance movie she never enjoyed. But truly, the adrenaline rush of being around you made her feel dizzy. Like those stupid butterflies in her stomach would never go away or how that stupid hazy smile of yours made her want to spend eternity with you. Max loved the glow of your eyes when you talked about things you loved, and how when she tried to teach you to skateboard you'd end up tripping and scrapping your knees, resulting in even more time with you to ice your bruised knees with bags of ice or frozen fruit.

The ding of the door signaled the walking in of you and Max, the AC of the gas station giving a refreshing feeling. You rushed over to the Slurpee Machine, grabbing cups and filling them like it was muscle memory. You grabbed a couple of dollars from the back pocket of your shorts and placed on the counter, sipping on the slushee in your hand. Keith stood before you, with that same boring face he always had.

"I see you've taken a step down from the arcade, Keith." You grinned, Max smiling behind you before drinking her own slushee.

"Yeah, whatever."

He handed you your cash back that you stuffed back in your pocket as Max waved,

"Bye, Keith! Hope you don't get fired from this one too!"

You both bolted from the store, the summer evening breeze carrying your laughter into the sunset sky. You linked hands with Max again as the both drank your slushees, knowing when you got home it would only be kissing until you both decided it was enough to check your tongues in your bedroom mirror for a purple tint.

Shutting your bedroom door, you tossed your cups into the trash, Max pulling you towards her until you sat in front of her, her lips crashing into yours. You giggled as you hand tangled in her ginger waves, your lips moving quicker with each time she pulled away and kissed you again. Kissing then led to making out, your lungs seeming to be begging for air as your heart beat a million times fast, your breath heaving. Finally pulling away, your eyes slowly met hers before you both burst out into a fit of giggles, her hand taking yours before you both rushed  over to your vanity,

Though the two of you may have looked like total dorks sticking your tongues out as far as you could to check for a purple color, you didn't care. It was rare for Max to care about anyones opinion and you guessed you grew used to that as well after being with her.

"Definitely purple." You smiled, looking to her.

Max grinned, "Mmm, but I don't think it's purple enough, don't you?"

"Shut up." You laughed, kissing her for who knows what number of time, neither of you were counting.

The night had ended like nearly every other. You and Max tangled in one another, arms and legs both. The window above your bed was wide open to let the cool night air flow in, your blankets thrown messily on the ground from a previous pillow fight. It was somehow easier going to sleep knowing you'd wake up to a messy-haired redhead you were inevitably in love with that just happened to love you too - more than she'd ever admit.


max mayfield marry me rn ☹️💍💍

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