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Prompt: George has a hobby that he loves doing and Dream wants to spend time with him, so he participates even though that he's not personally interested in doing it.

George's POV

I woke up in bed with Dream spooning me.

I tried getting up but Dream just hugged me close.

"Mmm, stay" Dream mumbled

"Let me go, you idiot"

"Nooo" he whined "cuddle meee"

"Come on, time to get up" i slightly shook his shoulder and looked at the time "it's...11:15"

"Fine" he got up "any ideas for breakfast?" He asked

"I don't know, you can decide" i took one of his hoodies inside the wardrobe

"Okay..." he went downstairs, about to make breakfast, or brunch if you want to call it

Time skip - afternoon

If there was one thing i love to do when i'm bored, it's gardening.

It just really calms me when i have to go in me and Dream's backyard where i have my own mini garden.

For the past few weeks, i've already grown some pretty flowers (even though i don't really see their real colors)

Some were just leaves and the rest are just flowers.

Some were blue, which so happens to be my favorie color, some were yellow and some were orange.
(The orange petal of calendulas outside peeked out of the dirt. It was just beginning to live, and had no idea how much had just died. Trying to move on while i'm having a ff1970 obsession-)

I even wondered if i would be able to grow mushrooms too.

Dream was upstairs doing something on his pc, probably editing my video or something. He simps for me a lot.

I went to our storage and grabbed my gardening tools before i walked outside and into the backyard.

Dream's POV

I cut a few more clips before i'm finally done editing a video. George's video actually.

I stretched my arms before i stood up from my chair.

All i want right now is to cuddle him in my arms as payment for editing his video for almost an hour.

I went downstairs to see his boyfriend nowhere in sight.

"George?" I called out but instead i heard some dirt noises

I went outside to see him in his cute little garden again.

"Hi Dream! You look exhausted" he giggled

"Yeah i am" i lowered myself next to him "what are you doing?"

"Just planting another flower seed" he smiled

"Can i try?" I asked even though i don't like touching dirt, even with gloves on

"Sure..." he gave me a gloves to put on, a small shovel and a seed

He instructed me even though i knew how to do it.

After putting the seed under the dirt, i quickly removed the gloves and wiped my hands on my shirt.

"Dirt won't harm you Dream" he giggled

"This is just not my thing George" he watered the seed i planted "anyways...i want payment for editing your video"

"Which is?" He put the watering can down

I went behind him and hugged his waist.


"Just continue what you're doing" i smiled while hugging his small body

"Okay then..." he planted a few more while i was behind him, just looking at everything he's doing

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