《Unconditional Love》

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Prompt: George has cancer and Dream did something that made him cry.

No one's POV

George sat on his and Dream's bed, crying. His eyebrows were already gone.

It started a few weeks ago when he felt nauseous one early morning.

George thought it was only from a stomach ache, until it got worse.

He constantly started coughing or sometimes had trouble breathing throughout the days go by.

Whenever Dream asked him to eat just a small bit, George would either have trouble swallowing, or would throw it all up after eating it.

Then, he started feeling pain everywhere. He had fatigue and sudden weight loss.

Those late nights where Dream would run out of the house just to buy medicine from the pharmacy did no effect.

This is where Dream got worried for him.

It quickly got worsened so, they both decided to go to a doctor.

George quickly felt like his mind went blank when he heard those words.

"I'm so sorry, but, you have cancer"

After 2 to 4 weeks from George's treatment, he noticed some of his hair strands starting to fall off.

Day after day, more strands started to fall off.

So today, he decided to just shave it all off with the help of Dream.

Dream knocked at the door before he slowly walked in.

"George...are you sure you want to do this?" He calmly asked

George thought for a minute before his lips quivered.

"I...i don't know Dream..." small tears came out from his eyes

Dream sat next to him and held him close.

George started crying on his shoulder. Dream rubbed circles around his back to comfort him.

George sniffled before he looked up.

"Dream? D-do you think i'll...look weird if i have no hair?" George noticed some strands of hair on Dream's shoulder where he previously rested his head

He showed it to Dream.

"No, it's not weird at all" he kissed his forehead "you'll still look very beautiful to me"

George wiped away his tears.

"Dream, i think i'm ready"

"Are you sure?"

George looked at the fallen strands on his hand.


Dream smiled before they both stood up walked in the bathroom together.

A chair was already placed infront of the mirror and an electrical razor at the edge of the sink. Dream even bought some beanies for him already.

George slowly sat on the chair. He looked at his tear stained face at the mirror, already imagining what he would look like after Dream puts the razor down.

Dream closed the bathroom door, so it was only the 2 of them alone.

"Honey...everything's going to be okay" Dream reassured

George hummed.

Dream picked the razor up, he turned it on and the loud buzzing sound can only be heard.

As soon as George felt his hair at the back falling off, he closed his eyes and slightly bend his head down.

Dream took a deep breath before he started shaving off the top area. He was going to miss George's fluffy brunette hair. He loved playing with it whenever he was still asleep or when he would jokingly ruffle his hair, telling him that it looks so soft.

It took Dream, 15 minutes to shave all of his hair off because he was making the best of it by touching his hair for the last time.

When it was done, Dream didn't put the razor down. Instead, he just turned it off.

George slowly opened his eyes and looked at his reflection.

This wasn't a joke or a prank, he's not in a dream either. He can't believe that he's now bald.

Then, Dream thought of something, he didn't even need to think twice about it.

George looked at Dream in the mirror and saw him turning on the razor again and started shaving his own hair off.

George looked at him in shock and started crying.

Dream proudly shaved all of his hair off while George had to cover his face from all of the tears.

"You see this George?" Dream then pointed at his eyebrows "these are meaningless George"

He finally put the razor down and grabbed a mechanical razor from a cup and started shaving all of it.

"I don't care about them George"

George sobbed "Y-you didn't have to do that..."

"I wanted to" Dream smiled "If you suffer, then, i'll suffer with you. We'll suffer together"

Dream hugged him close from behind.

George continued to cry. He couldn't ask for a better husband.

"I know something that'll cheer you up"

Dream walked out of the bathroom and took the beanies from his bedside table.

He came back to George. He placed a blue beanie on his head while he wore a yellow one.

George smiled at him and Dream in the mirror.

"I love you Dream"

"I love you too George" he pecked his cheek, making him giggle

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