《Do It For Him》

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Prompt: Dream is a murderer, he doesn't want to get caught. But one day, he saw a group of police officers at a bank robbery. One of those officers caught his eye. Now he wants to make that officer make his job easier.

(He a simp)

Requested by @Homesfries

No one's POV

Today was another ordinary day for Dream.

He woke up, ate, and got changed. He decided to have a walk today.

Before he leaves, he made sure to hide his face even though he literally wears a mask so no one would know his identity.

He wore black sunglasses before he exited his house.

He walked past a few stores and cafes before he saw a whole scene going on infront of him.

A bank robbery was happening and a lot of police officers were outside, armed with guns. Some got caught and were taken inside the police cars.

"There's still 3 of them inside" he heard one of them spoke

"I'm on it" another one spoke

Dream looked closer at the one who was speaking and he just felt like he saw an angel.

Stood there was a man with dark brunette hair, with brown doe eyes. He saw him run into the bank with a gun in his hand.

Dream suddenly felt worried for him. What if he gets hurt?

He ran to the nearest alleyway he can find and watched what's about to happen.

A loud bell rang indicating that the bank was robbed. The same cute boy he saw earlier was holding one of them with handcuffs.

He was about to put the guy in the car when 2 more ran outside the bank with bags of money draped over their shoulders.

The rest of the squad tried to chase them but they surprisingly ran faster than they expected. In which it resulted of them getting away.

Dream's eyes followed where the other robbers went.

He ran out the other way of the alleyway. He was determined to atleast find where they went.

Dream didn't know why he wanted to help that officer but something about his looks made him want to talk to him in person.

He decided he will, but for now, he has some fuckers to deal with.


Dream found them hiding in a sketchy house, probably indulging in cold hard cash.

He was sure that he was gonna come back here tomorrow and make them learn their lesson.


Dream was back at the house the next day. He saw them sleeping. He took this as an oppurtunity to wear his gloves and take his gun out and shoot right at their heads for a few times.

"This is what you fucking get" Dream muttered

Then he left. Waiting for someone to find them.

And just as he expected, someone did found their dead bodies a few hours later. He saw that on the news. But also, he was also there, being asked by the reporter.

A name suddenly appeared on the screen.

"George Davidson huh? That's a cute name" Dream said, talking to no one in particular

"Where were the bodies found?" The woman asked

"They were found at the second floor, but we're still doing some investigation"

Dream blushed at the sudden british accent. He'll definitely want to talk to him.


After a lot of panicking, he finally had the courage to walk down the police station and find him.

When he got there, he asked for the exact name he saw on the news.

"Oh ok, right this way sir" he followed the officer

He led him to an office.

"Sr. Davidson" was written on the door

He knocked before he heard a faint 'come in'

He entered and saw him on his phone before he looked up.

"Yes? What do you need" he calmly asked

Dream forgot what he was about to say.

"I- uh..."

He saw George stood up from his chair, he realized that he was short in person.

"You're short" Dream wheezed

That manage to let a giggle out of the british boy.

"I do get that a lot"

"What are you? Like 5'6 or something?"

"5'9 actually" George corrected

"Same thing"

"Anyways...what are you doing here?"

Dream thought for a second.

"I don't know to be honest. I saw you on the news last night and..."

Dream stopped.

"I just...mayve want to talk to you...?"

George stared at him before he spoke.

"Uh...sure, i don't mind some company"

Dream let out a sigh of relief. He thought he was going to suspect him as a creep or something.

"So, what's your name?"


"Oh ok, my name's-"

"George" Dream interrupted "it's nice to meet you"

George smiled.

They got to know each other. George felt like his day just got better from all the boring work he was doing.

It was sad that Dream had to go home now. But, before he left, he asked George something.

"Hey, uh, George?"


"Can i...have your number?" Dream scratched his neck "so we can y'know...hang out again next time?"

George gave him a smile "sure"

They exchanged numbers and Dream waved at him before he left.

When Dream got home, he was over the moon with excitement.


So, that's what happened from now on.

Dream continued to spy on whenever George is handling with assholes and he would get the job done for him by simply killing them while remaining unknown as a killer.

(Thank you so much for the request ♡)

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