✿..✿ 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙿𝚃𝙴𝚁 2 ✿..✿

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Joo-Hyun was unsure of trusting the stranger but did she have a choice? "Fine, you walk ahead and I'll follow" She said. "Sure!" A reply came.

Dong-Hyun took her to a black car and told her to hop in, and she did. He drove her to the presidents home. Her jaw dropped seeing how big the mansion was.

"Are you sure, we're at the right place?" She hesitantly asked. He frowned at her question, "Yeah, but why do you ask? Does something seem off?"

"It just feels too, umm, big?" She replied unsure of what she was feeling right now. He chuckled, "I think you're too tensed up. We ain't monsters. You're safe"

She nodded her head trusting him. "Come, let's go. They must be waiting" He spoke guiding her inside the mansion to the President's room.

"Oh, miss, take a seat" A woman who looked like a maid said pulling out a chair for her, making sure she was comfortable. Joo-Hyun gave her a warm smile indicating she was just fine.

Across the table sat the president. His stern gaze was enough for her to get nervous. Suddenly he smiled and spoke, "Hello miss-"

"Bae Joo-Hyun" She completed his words. "I have a few questions for you" He began, "How old are you?". "31" She answered shortly.

He paused for a while before putting the second question forward, "Your family and any past relationships?"

"Only a mother. My dad left us when I was five" She fiddled with her fingers, "And I've never been in a relationship"

He looked pleased with her answer. "The last question, why did you agree for the marriage?" He questioned.

"Sir, I'll keep things straight with you. My mom is in a critical condition and I need money by the end of this week to pay for her surgery" She replied nervously.

"How much does your mom need?", "800,000".

"I'll give you the money, but you need to promise to love my son. Deal?" He asked leaning forward. "Yeah" She said with a slight smile on her face.

"Okay, then sign this contract. You can read it if you want" He said as his secretary gave her a file. She read the contract and then signed it as she sighed in relief.

"Okay then here you go. There's the money you need. Give my secretary your phone number. We'll arrange the dates for your marriage and then call you" He said handing her a filled check.

She nodded to his words. Dong-Hyun came in with a smile, "So you're getting married?" He asked.

"How did you know that?" She looked at him confused. "Hahah, the president is smiling which means everything went well" He replied.

She mouthed a silent 'O' in reply. "Come, I'll drop you home" He said guiding her to the car. She followed him silently.

Officer Dong-Hyun dropped her back home safely & gave her his number for emergency situations. She walks to her bedroom and throws herself on her bed.

She lies flat on her tummy. "Did I just mess things up?", "Oh lord no! I'm not ready for dealing through shit", "But wait everything's done, I signed the deal, now there's no going back"

She jolts up, grabbing her hair in frustration. "What if the prince is a jerk? I'm ruining my life for my mom's." She sighs.

She takes out her phone from the night stand and calls up Seulgi. It rings for a while before she picks up. "Yah!" A voice came from the other end.

"What is wrong with you!? You disturbed my beautiful sleep... Uh, hello?" Her voice turns confused receiving nothing but silence from Joo-Hyun.

"Hey girl? Is everything okay?", "I don't know" A reply comes immediately. "I'm listening. Tell me what's bothering you so much that you had to call me up now?" Seulgi asks.

"I-" Joo-Hyun begins hesitantly, "I met the president and agreed to marry the prince!" She blurted out in a breathe leaving the other dumbfounded.

"Wait, what!? You did what!?", "I-I agreed to be the t-tenth bride"

There was a moment of silence but then was cut off by Seulgi, "Hah stop pranking me. It's not April 1 today. Go get some sleep" She hung up the call.

"Why won't she believe me?!" She pouts in anger, "Never mind I should just go get some sleep I guess, I'll tell her tomorrow"

"Girl, you were serious last night!?" Seulgi almost screamed, getting everyone's attention on to her. She looked at them with a sheepish smile before turning back at the conversation.

"Lower down your voice, will you?" Joo-Hyun whispered, embarrassed. "Yah! My voice isn't the problem here, it's, it's the deal that you signed" She whisper-yelled.

Joo-Hyun sighed, shrugging her shoulders, "I know but I was just thinking different at that time. I really don't know if I was in my senses"

"God dammit, what can we do now, other than waiting for the date to be fixed?" Seulgi kicks the desk taking out her frustration on it. "I told you to be careful" She sighed.

"I know, stop repeating the same thing like a hundred times" Joo-Hyun glared. "Huh? When did I ever say that a hundred times?" Seulgi scoffed before walking back to her desk.

"I shouldn't have jumped into a conclusion so quick, but, but it was the only chance I had. I had to grab on it. Just pray that the prince is kind hearted" 

Kind hearted...? 
Yeah right.

【THE LAST BRIDE || 𝐊𝐒𝐉 𝕏 𝐊𝐓𝐇 𝕏 𝐁𝐉𝐇】Where stories live. Discover now