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Phoebe's new car

Its Phoebe's 16th Birthday, her bond with Stefan gets deeper, her bond with Buffy grows deeper now that they know each others secret they even train together with both Angel and Alaric, Alaric is sort of dating Elena's Aunt Jenna, which Phoebe is okay because she knows the truth about her mother Isobel and she suspects that she is a vampire now. Phoebe has also bonded with Bonnie Caroline and weirdly enough Shelia Bennett the grandmother of Bonnie who has helped Phoebe learning about being a siopher witch she has given her a lot of books, Phoebe is doing very well that in school even though she has only been there a couple of weeks. Meanwhile in Sunnydale Willow and Xander are demanding answers from Giles about where Buffy has gone and why she left. AN Elena knows that Stefan and Damon are vampires

Sunnydale California

Sunnydale high school library

Its a Monday morning a new school day, Rupert Giles is in his library when the door of the library swing open and Willow and Xander walk in

Willow: Morning Giles

Giles: Morning Willow Xander

Willow: So Giles we were wondering if you know where Buffy and Angel are, I have been calling but nothing and its been a few weeks, Xander even went by the house and its all locked up.

Giles: Yes i do know where Buffy Angel and baby Connor have gone and they are not coming back to Sunnydale anytime soon they are very happy and I have spoke to her a few times and no I will not tell you where they are.

Willow: Why not? We are her friends

Giles: Are you really her friends? I mean she has been gone over a month and suddenly you are worried about her, I think she was right you two are not really her friends, not the way you treated her, Angel and even baby Connor(he looks at Xander)

Xander: Giles you have to agree with me that kid is a monster he was born a monster

Giles: Why on earth would I agree with that?

Xander: Because you know its the truth

Giles: That is one of the many reasons that Buffy and Angel took baby Connor and left, you believe that a baby is a monster and should be killed and why because you don't like the child 's father, Buffy and I tested Connor's blood as soon as he was born and he is 100 percent human(he's not really 100percent human more details later in the story) And just because you believe something it does not make it the truth

Willow: I care about Connor and Buffy knows that I mean I am Connor's godmother after all.

Giles: No you are not Willow, yes Connor does have a Godmother but it is not you, you have answered my question though, about if you really are Buffy's friends all you care about is yourselves. Willow did you know that Buffy's grades and test scores are much higher then yours by a great deal?

Willow: No she didn't

Giles: Yes she did every test she took she would take twice she would pass the first one and fail the second one of purpose because she knew how much you needed to be the smartest one of your little group, she did the same thing with her school assignments and all of your teachers and even Snyder knew he only pretended to hate her

Xander: Where is she?

Giles: Did you ever wonder why Buffy never called Joyce Mom?

Willow: I never noticed

Giles: Once again you have proven my point Buffy has been your friend for almost 3 years and you never once noticed that she never called Joyce Mom, the reason for that is because Joyce was in fact Buffy's Aunt not her mother I think that shows that Buffy never really trusted you both

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