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This is just a filler Episode

Found this picture on Google

It has been a few days since Phoebe and Buffy went dress shopping for their dresses and since Phoebe found out the name of her birth Mother and since then she has been wondering what to do and whether or not she should at least write to her, she decides to get the advice of two people her Father Alaric and her close friend Stefan.

Its Friday

Just after Phoebe has arrived home from School with her Dad

Phoebe: Hey Dad, Can I get your option on something please?

Alaric: Sure honey

Phoebe: So, when Buffy and I went to get our dresses for the ball, we stopped at the library and I got the address of my birth Mother and I was thinking about writing to her, do you think that is a good idea?

Alaric: I think it's a great idea, look I know that you had a strong bond with your Mom Isobel but she choose to leave us to become a vampire and I know that you were upset about that but that does not mean that you cannot find and maybe even get to know your birth Mother maybe she is wondering about you

Phoebe: Do you really think so?

Alaric: Well I did write to her family and tell them that I adopted you but I never heard back from them

Phoebe: Okay, I'm meeting Stefan at the Grill I won't be long

Alaric: Okay

Phoebe grabs her coat and grabs her car keys and then leaves the apartment. Soon after she arrives at the Mystic Grill where Stefan is waiting

Phoebe: Hey there

Stefan: Hey Phoebe

Phoebe: I am starving, should we get a table so we can order and I am hoping to get your advice about something

Stefan: Sure

They quickly grab a table and order food

Stefan: So, what did you want to ask me?

Phoebe: Well the other day Buffy and I went to get dresses for the ball and on the way we stopped at the library where I got the address of my birth Mother, I have asked my Dad this question and said that it is a great idea given the fact that Isobel left to become a vampire, do you think it's a good idea to write to my birth mother?

Stefan: Well I think it's a great idea, I mean you have been wondering where you get your Siopher powers from, maybe its your birth mother or someone in her family

Phoebe: That is one of the reasons but I just want to know the women that gave birth to me, is that so wrong?

Stefan: No, I tell you what why don't you write it here and now, you can read and I can help you with it?

Phoebe: Okay

She goes into her bag and takes out her notebook and pen

Phoebe: Okay so I know I can't put hi I'm the daughter you gave up at birth

Stefan: Well not like that but you could just say what your name and who you are to her and tell where you are and maybe give her an address so she can write back

Phoebe: That does sound good, okay here goes.

She begins to write the letter to her birth mother and it says this

Dear Ms. Loughlin

My Name is Phoebe Jo Saltzman and I am the daughter that you gave up 16 years, I was adopted by my biological father Alaric Saltzman and his Wife Isobel, yes I had a wonderful childhood but now my adopted Mother is dead but I have always wondered who my birth mother is, we do not have to meet if its not want you want at this time in your life but could you at least reply to this letter and maybe send me a photo so I know what you look, do I have any other family apartment from my Grandparents on my Dad's side I would really like to know more about you and your family. I am not asking for a relationship but maybe one day we could have a friendship. Hoping to get a response to this letter soon.

Yours Sincerely

Phoebe Jo Saltzman

Phoebe: So here you go

She passes the letter to Stefan

Stefan: It looks good, do you have an envelope?

Phoebe: Yes

She takes out an envelope that already has the address and stamp on, Stefan hands her the letter and she puts it into the envelope and seals it

Phoebe: Okay. Now once we have eaten, I could take this to the mail box and send it

Stefan: Okay, so you mention that you got your dress for the party, can I ask what color so I can match my tie?

Phoebe: Its red and its knee length. Buffy is wearing a purple one, I picked hers and she picked mine

Stefan: I think its nice that you and Buffy have bonded very well

Phoebe: Yeah, I like it too, she has become sort of like a big sister in a way. I do want to be one of them one day, a big sister

Stefan: Well you never know right and if it helps, I think that you will be a pretty cool big sister

Phoebe: Thanks Stefan

The waiter brings over their food, which they enjoy, while smiling and laughing unaware that Elena is watching them and she is not happy. Once they have finished their food, they split the bill and they get their stuff and leave the Grill, together they make their way to the mail box where Phoebe posts the letter to her birth mother

Stefan: I know she will write back to you

Phoebe: I hope so I really do Stefan

Stefan: Come on I will make sure you get home safe

Phoebe smiles and she links arms with Stefan and together they make their way to Phoebe's car. The whole time Elena is watching them from the window of the Grill and she is plotting something to get Stefan back

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