Collecting Concepts for the Cephalopod

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Author's Note: Howdy, I am really sorry for my hiatus! I have been struggling with writer's block lately, along with work from summer school and marching band. Chapters might be coming out at a slower pace due to marching season getting into high gear, but I promise I will still update y'all with the Octonauts!
Much love - Sandwich

The small, quaint island in the midst of the Caribbean Sea housed many diverse species of both plants and animals. Including the fish that populated the colorful reefs that formed the outline of the archipelago, the GUP-A rested against a cluster of rocks on the smallest island.

Captain Barnacles and Professor Inkling snuggled tightly against each other in the back area of the GUP-A. The ship was quite small for even just two, but it was a humble abode that they called their new home. Their home away from home. The bright light of the sun beamed through the portholes in the side, shining into Tweak's eyes. She stood on top of the hatch, eyeing the clutter that lined the edges of the GUP.

Even if the ship was their main base of operations, it was too small to get work done efficiently. The Octonauts would constantly bump into each other when doing their daily activities, something that especially bothered Tweak.

She took out a sketchbook from a group of papers scattered on the floor. Sitting on the warm, orange chair, Tweak gazed out the fogged window. Under the water, colorful fish swam around the coral reef. Tweak observed as many of them snuggled inside some of the smallest nooks and crannies she had ever seen. Looking back at Captain Barnacles and Professor Inkling snoring, she giggled. They were packed together like sardines in a tin. It was definitely time for an upgrade.

It had only been a couple of weeks since they had departed the Everglades, but Tweak had already cluttered the workstation with tools, blueprints, and carrots to name a few. Broken pencils lay haphazardly on the floor, ready for one to prick their limb. Tweak opened the sketchbook to an empty page, scribbling all her ideas.

As time passed, the pile of wadded up paper grows to  the height of Tweak's chair. She slams her fist on the desk, groaning in despair.

"Why can't I think of anythin'!" She wailed. Starting on one of the few remaining pages in the notebook, she drew a couple of lopsided ovals, one in each corner of the page. "Now that just looks ridiculous." She moaned.

Captain Barnacles awoke to this, stretching his arms. Professor Inkling was still sound asleep next to him, probably dreaming about octopi. "Tweak," he mumbled tiredly. "What is all this commotion about?"

"Commotion?!" Tweak barked. "I was just tryin' to design a larger ship for the three of us!"

"Shhhhhhh!" Captain Barnacles whispered harshly. "Inkling is still asleep."

Tweak's ears twisted together. "Oh me, oh my, sorry Cap." She giggled softly.

Captain Barnacles glanced at the workstation and the sheer amount of discarded papers that lay on the floor. He uncrumpled one of the pages, a smeared, messy pencil sketch in front of his eyes. From what he could make out, the design was just a larger version of the GUP. "Tweak, are you feeling alright?" He asked.

Tweak's crusty eyes explained her current state. She coughed, her head hanging low. "Sorry, Cap, I'm just tired. I've been stayin' up all night tryin' to fix our situation here."

"I know you have. Inkling and I can hear you when we are trying to sleep."

"Sorry 'bout that, just...I've been strugglin' to come up with ideas, y'know."

"Ideas?" Captain Barnacles questioned.

"Well, our current space here is limited. It works as a makeshift home, but I don't see ourselves being able to carry out work efficiently here." Tweak's ears unraveled as she was easing into the discussion. "Ya see, I came up with some plans to expand, maybe build a whole mobile base! With smaller vehicles inside, like this one!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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