Hold You Close |W. Warfstache

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Wilford Motherlovin' Warfstache x Enby!reader

Summary: (Y/n) and Wilford are having a movie night at Wilford's house, when it starts to storm. (Y/n) has a fear of storms, so during the time after the movie, they end up confessing something to their best-friend.


"Ooohh! Can we watch The Hunchback of Notre Dame?" (Y/n) grinned brightly, pointing to the movie title on the screen.

Wilford laughed, turning the lights off as he walked into the living room with the snacks, "Sure. It's your turn to pick the movie, anyway."

(Y/n) hurriedly grabbed the remote, selecting the movie immediately. They smiled at Wilford, who handed them a cherry-flavored popsicle.

"Thanks, Wilf."

"No problem, (N/n)." He grinned back at them, unwrapping a bubblegum lollipop for himself.


Halfway through the movie, it started raining. The soft pattern of the raindrops hitting the roof calmed (Y/n), who was still wide-awake. Wilford, on the other hand, was sprawled across his side of the couch, snoring.

Then (Y/n) heard thunder, and the power went out.

"W-Wilford?" They stuttered, their anxiety picking up.

(Y/n) shook him awake, "Wilford, c'mon. Wake up, it's storming, and I don't like it-"

He slowly woke up, "eh?"

When he came to his senses, Wilford could just barely make out the look of terror on (Y/n)'s face.

Immediately, he realized what was happened; power out, (Y/n) being scared, the thunder.

It was storming.

"Wilf...?" They muttered, "I really can't go home now, I-I can't drive in storms.."

Wilford sighed, and opened his arms. "C'mere, (N/n)."

They smiled nervously, and moved closer to Wilford, hugging him. He layer back down, wrapping his arms around them. "It's okay, (Y/n). I'm here, you're inside, you're safe."

"Mhm, I know I'm safe." They whisper, "I always feel safe when I'm with you, Wilf. You're my best-friend."

If (Y/n) was being honest, they longed for a relationship with Wilford that was more than friendly. They wanted to do romantic stuff with him, kiss him, hold him close, like how they were doing now...

"(Y/n)?" Wilford asked again, poking at their face. "What're you talking about? Who d'you want to kiss??"

(Y/n) snapped out of their trance, realizing that they'd whispered "I wanna kiss you." While LAYING on their BEST-FRIEND and CRUSH.

"I-I, uhm, I.." They stammered, looking anywhere but at Wilford.

(Y/n) pulled away and moved to the other end of the couch, taking deep breaths. This made Wilford sit up and stare at them in confusion. Did he do something wrong? Had he made them uncomfortable?

"I.." Wilford started, but (Y/n) cut him off.

"Wilford." They said sternly, "I don't want to be your friend anymore."

This made Wilford's heart sink. "Wh-what?"

"I don't wanna be your friend, Wilford." They repeated, "I want to be your significant other. I want to date you."

"Oh my God, (Y/n)!" Wilford laughed, "you scared the absolute shit out of me."

They blushed, "What's your answer? Will you be my boyfriend, Mr. Warfstache?"

"Of course!" Wilford pulled them close to him, grinning. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear you say that. In fact-I was gonna ask you the same thing!"

(Y/n) smiled, the sound of thunder fading into the sound of white noise. They were happy. They could do romantic stuff with him, they could kiss him, they could hold him close.

They could kiss him.

And, as if Wilford read their mind, he pulled them in for a sweet, soft kiss. He cupped their face in his hands so gently, it made (Y/n)'s heart flutter with love.

His mustache kinda ticked their nose.

(Y/n) pulled away from the kiss, even though they didn't want to. "I love you so much, Wilford."

Before the pink-mustached man could respond, they peppered his face with butterfly kisses.

Wilford giggled, "I love you too, my darling."

"I'm going to hold you close for as long as I live."

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