Don't Fall In Love | Illinois

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Illinois x Hispanic! Male! Reader

Summary: Illinois and (Y/n) are out on an adventure, but (Y/n) is fed up, and eventually  confronts Illinois about something
(Bear with me, my family taught me this shit)


"It's so fucking hot out here," (Y/n) grumbled, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt, "Why'd I chose a black button up if I knew it'd be this hot out?"

Illinois snickered, glancing at his partner. His partner.

His work partner. Not romantic partner. Illinois shook the thought away; his and (Y/n)'s relationship was strictly business related. Nothing more, nothing less.

Illinois walked around a pressure plate that opened up a pit of spikes, while (Y/n) stepped directly on it.

"(Y/n)!" Illinois shouted, grabbing him by the waist, and pulling him back. "Watch where you're going, you almost got yourself killed!"

"Illinois, ¿por qué no podemos tener un día en el que sea una aventura normal? como, buscando cristales?" (Y/n) spoke in a stressed tone of voice, moving forward and pushing Illinois' hands off his waist.

"Looking for crystals can't be that exciting. Besides," He smiled smugly, "What if we find a crystal that makes you fall in love with me? Can't have that happening, now can we?"

(Y/n) scoffed, "like I'd let a magical crystal make me fall in love with you, Illinois."

Illinois winced, (Y/n) always pronounced his name with the 's' if he was annoyed.

"'M sorry, (N/n)." He held up his composure, "but they always do fall in love with me."

"Yeah, I get it." (Y/n) sat his stuff by a tree and sat underneath it, wiping his face.

Illinois sat across from him.

"Todos tus compañeros anteriores se han enamorado de ti." (Y/n) grumbled, looking at him with tired (e/c) eyes. "You're handsome, adventurous, you've got a soothing voice."

Illinois felt his heart flutter.

"But, you're such a narcissist. And I'm finally starting to realize that you warn people to not get too attached to you for a reason."

"Try not to get too attached."

"This is the farthest any of my partners have ever made it."

"You have commitment issues," (Y/n) continued blabbering, "but so do I, Illinois."

"You have commitment issues?" Illinois was greatly surprised by this.

"Why d'you think I always brush you off and yell at you in Spanish when your dumbass gets all flirty?"


"And I'm sorry if you fell in love. They always do."

"I need to tell you something," Illinois said, leaning forward.


"Everytime I see you," He inhaled, "I need to remind myself not to fall in love with you."

(Y/n) sat there, completely flabbergasted. Illinois just spilled that he reminded himself not to fall in love with (Y/n)? The Illinois who tells others not to fall in love with him?

"But, I, uh.." Illinois took his hat off, something he rarely ever took off, "I failed."

"You failed...what?" (Y/n) tilted his head to the side, a confused smile on his face.

"I failed to not fall in love with you." Illinois moved closer to (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s face burst into red as the narcissistic adventurer gently grabbed his chin and tilted his head up. Slowly, Illinois kissed him.

Despite feeling as if frozen in time, the kiss lasted two seconds. Illinois was pink in the face, but nothing compared to the redness of (Y/n)'s.

"Woah." (Y/n) whispered, reaching up to cup Illinois' face.

"I-I, uh, I'm sorry-"

"Kiss me again."

"I said I'm sor-" Illinois gaped at the (h/c) man in front of him, "what did you just say?"

"I said," (Y/n) pulled Illinois closer by his shoulders, "kiss me again."


That's when Illinois woke up.

"Damn it."

"For someone who says he doesn't fall in love easily, you sure sounded like you're in love with me, cariño." (Y/n) snickered from beside him, "are you sure you're not in love?"

Illinois sat up, and glared at (Y/n).

"Aye, sorry."

"I'm tired of pretending I'm not in love with you, (N/n)." Illinois groaned, hiding his face in his hands.

"(N/n)? When have you ever called me (N/n)?"

"Since now," Illinois gathered his courage and kissed (Y/n), just how he had in his dream.

"Forget Don't Fall in Love, I am in love."

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