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Draco pov:
It was about 3am. I couldn't sleep for the life of me, so I didn't. You might know me as the mean and horrible one but I'd say I'm far better 😌 well to some people. Depends if your pansy or Blaise or the person I fancy then your fine but if your a gryfindor (dis- cluding the person I fancy) I pretty much hate you anyways back to present time..
it was 3am and I don't want to sleep so I got up and went over to blaises bed he was asleep like not waking up asleep so I left it. I walked down to the common room where I was to sit on the dark green and black sofas "why aren't you asleep" a voice from behind said "for god sake pansy. You scared the living hell out of me!" "Sorry!! But you didn't answer my question" "ok, I just couldn't sleep I might go walking around Hogwarts, wanna join?" "Nah I'm tired I'm going to sleep now, have fun and goodnight" before I could reply she had walked out of the room "women" I said to myself. I slipped my robe on, and put my old scruffy shoes on. The castle was cold at night, I could blow a bubble and it would freeze cold but in the distance I heard footsteps "shit" I thought it would be prefect Percy he ALWAYS follows me around, or it could have been snape. But it was neither it was potter "why are you out here?" He said while walking towards me "bored I guess. I could ask you the same" "nothing much ron pissed me off" you could tell him his eyes he wanted to punch someone "what did he do?" I got a blank face "I- uhh well you might want to sit down" we started walking, after the war me and potter weren't as you know enemy like we could have multiple conversations without arguing or even fighting, we walked over to a bench, a pretty broken one if you ask me but oh well "okay, I'm sat down now tell me" "fine. I came out to him as uhh" his stuttering was cut- no no no no I dont like potter! "You came out to him as what" I said with a smile so he could see he could trust me "I well came out as bisexual and uhh said I don't like Ginny anymore because she wasn't my type and I kind of prefer boys, you know?" "Yeah I guess I understand but I also understand why Ron was pissed" I said trying not to sound rude "yeah me too but he told me to.. uhm" "told you to what." "Uhm- kill mys- myself and yeah uhh- I kinda lashed out and started like screaming at him and well stormed out and here we are!" He slightly laughed but like a sad laugh "oh potter, don't make me think I acctually care about you" I said in a jokey tone. He laughed but you could here in his voice he was upset. I reluctantly opened my arms and offered him a hug not a very Malfoy thing, I know but I did and he accepted. The hug gave me a weird feeling, I liked it, it felt right and comfy and we stayed like it until Ronald and hermionie rudely shined there wands in our face "Harry!" Hermionie said "Draco?!" She followed on by saying, Ron looked dun-founded "WERE YOU HUGGING LIKE FRIENDS?!?!?!?" he asked, very confused "Harry was upset. BECAUSE of you weasel" "Harry we're here to say sorr-." "Ron I forgive you but you really pissed me off!" "I'm so sorry Harry" I don't know what my face was doing. I might have been smiling? I dunno, but Harry seemed to notice "what you smiling at?" He asked with a smirk. Shit I must have been staring "oops sorry.." "it's okay :)" then pansy walked through "DRACO LUCIOUS MALFOY WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!!" "I'm here pansy.." pansy stared smirked at me sitting next to potter then walked closer "I looked all over for you!! I didn't think you'd acctually leave!" "Sorry" "AND STOP SAYING SORRY" potter followed on "yes okay" we sat in awkward silence until hermionie whispered something to pansy. About a min later pansy blurted something out "PARDON?"

<A.N <3..>
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2022 ⏰

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