Chapter 1

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After the lessons, at the cafe Nie Huaisang introduced me to his friend's circle. They were all really welcoming. "Hi Wei Wuxian, I'm Jiang Cheng and this is my sister Jiang Yanli."


In fact these people are younger to me. However while glancing at their enthusiastic faces I smiled. As I was having my bread sandwich my eyes rolled around the cafeteria and again felt that creepy guy's eyes on me. I felt uncomfortable.

"Nie Xiong. Do you know who that guy is?" I pointed out at the guy who is staring at me.

"That's Lan Wangji. The principal's nephew. Hey i don't understand why is he looking at you like that? He never looks at people."


Jiang Cheng said, "people called him as the silent saint. He never smiles. Always keep that stoic face wherever he goes."

"Hmph exactly like that old man." I shrugged.

"Hey how was the experience in interview?" Jiang Yanli asked.

"Nothing happened. He just asked basic questions."

Just then we saw another guy came into the cafeteria and sat beside Lan Wangji also known as creepy guy. "Whose that?"

"Lan Xichen. Who is the brother of Lan Wangji. They're the jades of Gusu Lan's. Both of them are so perfect even girls are fangirling over them. They always kept to themselves. But my brother is the best friend of Lan Xichen."

"Ooh, both of them are so different. One is smiling and other one..." I huffed. "You have a brother, Nie Xiong?"

Nie Huaisang smiled, "ooh yes, the best brother ever. I'll introduce him to you one day."

I circled my food with a fork and looked over that side. Still this guy Lan Wangji keeps staring at me. What the hell is happening? Have I did something to him? Nobody knows my origins.

As for Lan Wangji, his stare was indeed piercing but to honest, he's indeed handsome. I couldn't deny that. An elegant face, the eyes I've never seen such beautiful eyes. It's like amber lights. Are the Lan's always this handsome? I asked to myself.

I tried to get some drink from the cafe and excused myself to stood up. Jiang Yanli asked, "where are you going?"

"Sister Yanli, I'll be right back. Just to get some drink."

Jiang Yanli noticed why I was going. She whispered, "is it because of... Lan Wangji?"

I nodded slightly. "Mn ... What is the meaning of that?"

Jiang Yanli smiled, "maybe he's curious about you."

I smiled at her and walked away. At the serving counter I asked the lady, "One cranberry juice."

The lady placed a bottle of cranberry juice towards my side. The cafe is quite modernised. Suddenly the server lady was smiling. And just then I felt the presence of a shadow behind me which made somehow froze.

I turned around and somehow my bottle slipped but I catched it with a reflex. Behind my back it was Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji. Lan Xichen said, "wow, you have quick reflex."

I smiled, "thank you."

"You're the new student right?" He asked.

"Yes, indeed. And you must be Lan Xichen. This?..."

Lan Xichen apologized and introduced his brother, "my little brother Wangji. He's the same age as you."

I huffed. Heh really.... I'm honestly 107 years old. Just then creepy Lan Wangji opened his mouth to talk. "We're deskmates."

This guy really can talk? Despite of his silence I thought he's dumb. I nodded, "yes..."

Lan Xichen rolled his eyes and smirked. "Ooh I see how it is."

What kind of smirk is that? I tried to read their mind and I sensed that the two of them talked about me just now. I can also read minds. I etched into Lan Xichen's mind to see what he had said to this Lan Wangji. And I found something ... Very unpleasant.

"Well excuse me." I said and tried to leave.

Unpleasant because he talked about the conflict he's facing because of me. Why am I a conflict? I'm a student like him. It seems like as Jiang Cheng said, he's truly a silent saint.

I was truly feeling bored. I need to feel the atmosphere of nature. So after finishing my lunch I went to the mountains. After I became an immortal I could ran fast. Fast like a vampire. But I'm not a vampire who depends on blood to survive. Every powers of mine worked even in the sun. I jumped trees after trees to eat fruits. There are many fruit trees in the Gusu mountains. It is quite pretty. I spend my time there plucking fruits and eating them.

Indeed coming back here, is something I've missed. I came here after many years. After eating fruits I went back to school and saw Lan Wangji at the foot of the mountains. So I tried to go back through another short cut and managed to reach at class on time.

Damn it. I really should change my major. This is getting me sick. While I was writing the notes I heard a frozen voice. "H.. hello." None other than Lan Wangji. Ha...he finally gathered the courage to talk with me?

I looked at him, "hi..."

"We've met at the..."

"Cafe, yes."

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself.  You're Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian right?"


"I'm sorry. If my staring made you uncomfortable."

I smiled, "apology accepted."

Lan Wangji grew silent. I initiated the conversation, "you're the principal's nephew?"

Lan Wangji nodded, "mn ... "

The conversation was getting boring. I decided to hear the rest of the lecture. I wanted to change my major. Seriously, or at least change my desk.

At the reception desk I went the lady and asked, "excuse me, ma'am. I wanted to change the major."

The reception lady said, "what happened?"

"Personal reasons. Just wanted to change it."

"I'm afraid my dear, you've to stay in biology. The seats are full for other majors."

Lan Wangji came just the right time while I was asking to change my major. I banged the desk with light bang and left accidently brushing his shoulder against mine leaving him confused.

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