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Your pov
You was waiting for your black haired bf to come back after a two week trip and tonight was the night he would come home


Dabi was supposed to come home at 9.
3 hours late no calls, no messages. Nothing

You got mad and went to your bedroom and just waited
Eventually you fell asleep.

When you woke up you saw dabi coming in the room, you looked at the clock
11:36 am
"Dabi what the fuck" you said angry
He looked at you
"What" he said stern
"Where the hell have you been I was worried" you said getting out of bed
"I got caught up i something" he said going into your bedroom bathroom
"With what you promised" you on said on the verge of tears
"Well sorry" he said sarcastically
"Am I not good enough?" You aided now crying
He looked at you with wide eyes he came closer but you stepped back and sniffed
"Dabi..... I can't do this" you looked at him and went into your closet
"Y/n don't do this your the only one I want"
"THEN WHY DO YOU KEEP CHEATING" you were angry he keeps cheating and he promises you he'll never do it again but the heft night he does it again
"I'm sorry ok I promise I won't do it again
You shook your head
"I promise this I promise that. That's all you do all you do is lie I keep hurting myself for you and I can't keep doing this for YOU. Why do you keep doing this I love you but apparently you don't love me, so I'm leaving"
"You are not leaving Y/n you're all I have" dabi said trying to stop you from getting your clothes
"Then why" you said looking straight into his eyes
"I don't know" he said slowly
You scoffed
"Whatever" you said getting your suitcase up and you out it the room
"Y/N PLEASE" dabi yelled trying to go after you
You turned around
"Dabi when  was the last time you said you loved me? And when was the last time you actually cared for me?" You asked
He looked dumbfounded
He didn't know what to say because he didn't know either
"Exactly so let me go so you can find another to cheat on and break her heart" you said sobbing
"Y/n please I love you" said lowly
"If you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me multiple times" you said walking out the door.

2 year time skip~~

"Oh my god harder shiggy~" you moaned out as the blue haired male pounded into you
"Fuck y/n you're so good to me" shiggy said
"I'm gonna cum" you moaned as he pounded you faster

After finishing shig gave you aftercare and as you were falling asleep shiggy went downstairs

Dabi heard it all he was trying out for a villain job and he fake hete but he heard didn't hung he did not wanna here but he recognized those moans

"Hey sorry man I was fucking my gf" shiggy said bluntly
"Nah it's cool" dabi said
"But who is your gf" dabi asked
"Uhgh her name is y/n she's the most amazing person in the world but her ex treated her like shit he cheated on her a lot and after about 3 years of the relationship she left and she found me" shaggy ssid sitting down in his chair
Dabi knew who he was talking about his ex

You woke up to hear laughter so

you headed downstairs

You gasped as you saw dabi talking to your bf

They both looked at you and David eyes widened
You've changed since those 3 years ago
Bigger boobs, thinner thighs, smaller waist
You had it all
"D-dabi what are you doing here" you said
"Uh I was trying to get a job" dabi said
"Wait baby is this your ex" dabi your bf said
"Yea" you looked down
"Hey get the fuck out man" shifty said painting to the door.
As dabi left shiggy came up to you and kissed you
"I'll never let him see you again I promise ok baby" shiggy said holding you
"Ok" your face went deeper into his chest

"I love you"

Hey y'all it's been a little but I'm back🤪

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