Chapter 10: Yamaguchi's Parents And Backstory

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Sorry for not  posting in a  while  I have been busy with school and school work for a while and I have  lost inspiration and motivation for a while

This may be short


Sara's Pov

I was in the kitchen making dinner when I heard a loud crash. I turned off the stove, changed from my white slippers to my outside shoes, and rushed out the door to see what had happened. My next-door neighbor's (the last house on my street) walls were broken, and a car flipped on its head in their yard. I rushed over to the yard to see if anyone was hurt. There was glass with blood on the grass and car parts. I slowly approach the car to hear crying I bend down and look in the back seat to see a baby with green hair and freckles and open the car door unbuckle the seat belt from the car and the car seat and took him out while he's in the car seat. I placed the car seat don't the grass and started to rock it back and forth singing the song my mother always sang to me to put me to sleep, for some minutes,  and he was fast asleep. I look into the front of the car seat to see a man and a woman with glass on their head. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911 they answered and said they were on their way. I called my neighbors also and told them what had happened to their wall. They arrived with shock on their faces they came up to me.

Mrs. Nakamura: WHAT HAPPENED!?

Sara: I don't know I was cooking in my kitchen and I heard a crash sound and came outside and saw this

Mr. Nakamura: Jesus christ, was anybody hurt?

Ichika: Yea his parents

I point to the baby

Mrs.Nakamura: Poor child

Mr.Nakamura: And to lose his parents at such a very young age

We all nodded 

 an ambulance arrived

They brought out a stretcher and put the dead bodies on them and put them in the ambulance

We all watch as the ambulance drives away

Ichika picks up Tadashi and rocks him back and forth smiling at him

Ichika💭: What am I going to do with you know huh?

Mrs.Nakamura walks up to Ichika

Mrs.Nakamura: You Should Adopt him

She said with a smile. Ichika jumps a little when Mrs.Nakamura said that. 

Ichika: Should?

She said looking at Mrs.Nakamura

Mrs.Nakamura: Of course, you could make a great mother

She gave Ichika a supporting warm smile

Ichika smiled at her then looked down at Yams and smiled again

Ichika: I would, Wouldn't I?

She said smiling down at Tadashi






*Breaks  down door*

Luna: Let's do this

She said as she step into the house holding her gun. she look to her right and saw a family picture with Ichika, her husband, and Tadashi.

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