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Marnie focused on the power within her. she shook the ground, then she focused harder, repeating the words a woman had been teaching her in her dreams and thunder cracked along the sky she jumped.

'that storm came out of nowhere,' Beric said grinning down at her. 'whats wrong Little light?'

'I think I'm doing this.' She confessed.

'What? You think? The storm?' he questioned.

'it was clear, the sky was clear and I...' marnie didn't know how to explain it.

'You done this before?' Thoros asked coming up behind her.

'Once. I didn't know it was me though'. She confessed. 'I still don't really know that its me.'

'I heard you mumbling in your sleep last night, it didn't sound like the common tongue.' Beric told her.

'Enochian.' She corrected.

'What?' thoros questioned.

'A woman comes to me when I sleep. She tells me things. she teaches me about my abilities.' Marnie told them cautiously.

'That so?'

'She got red hair?' Beric questioned.

'No, she had brown hair...' marnie told them.

'Not the red priestess... interesting.' Beric told her.

'Can you make it stop?' Thoros questioned. Marnie shut her eyes and mumbled the enochian words the woman from her dreams taught her. she raised her hands up and the rain stopped. She opened her eyes and looked to Beric and Thoros.

'Fuck.' Beric said looking her over. He didn't know any lord of light worshiper that had the power of anything except fire. Maybe she wasn't chosen by the lord of light, but she was special. 

Witch // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now