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'The objective is to kill cersei without destroying kings Landing, thankfully she's losing allies by the day. the iron islands have been taken back in your name and the new prince of Dorne offers his allegiance and his support

'How many lords turn against her? it does not matter if she can still call herself queen of the seven kingdoms.' Dani told them. 'We need the capital!'

'I watched the people turn against the king when they were hungry and that was before winter began. Give them the opportunity and they will cast cersei aside.' Tyrion told her.

'We will surround the city if the Lannister's and the Golden company attack we will defeat them the dragons will kill them.' jon said

'Once cersei sees we are the only enemy she will see her reign is over.' tyrion told her.

'Alright' dani agreed

'Our men are tired and many are wounded.' Sansa told them. 'They will fight better if they have time to rest and recuperate'

'How long do you suggest?' daenerys asked, annoyed.

'Can't say for certain that without talking to the officers' sansa informed her.

'I came north to fight alongside you at a great cost to my armies and myself, now the time has come to reciprocate and you want to postpone?' danis anger rising by the second, sansa still refused to bend the knee and now shew as questioning her in front of her council.

'The people are yours, do you want to throw them into a war they are not ready to fight?'

'The longer I leave my enemies the stronger they become!' Dani told her.

'The northern forces will keep their promise and their allegiance to the seven kingdoms.' Jon reminded her. 'to their queen. what you command we will obey.'

'So if we are all in agreement,' tyrion asked looking around the table. 'Jon and ser Devos will head down to Kings Road with the northern troops. We will sail to dragon stone with our queen and her dragons above us-' tyrion went on explaining the plan

'We have won the great war and now we will meet win the last war. In all seven kingdoms men will live without fear under their rightful queen' Daenerys told them confidently. "Marnie... a word please.' Daenerys asked and marnie glanced back at Bran before following her out.

'We need to talk' arya told jon and he looked back at his siblings

'Do you understand? we will be dead without her.' jon told them.

'Arya is the one that killed the night king.' Sansa reminded him.

'Those men died defending-' jon began.

'That does not mean that I will kneel before her.' sansa told him.

'I gave my respect to her' jon told them.

'I respect that.' arya said.

'you respect that?' sansa questioned

'We needed her army and her dragons and you were doing the right thing by telling her you that but we do not trust your queen.' arya told him. 'We don't need her army, her dragons, the great war is over. She is not our queen.'

'You don't know her.' jon reminded them.

'I will never know her. She is not one of us.' Arya snapped.

'Thats a shit way to make allies' jon told her

'I dont need many allies' arya informed him.

'We are family the four of us. The last of the starks' arya reminded him

'Ive never been a stark.'

'You are just as much as stark as the rest of us' sansa told him

'you are my brother, not my bastard brother but my brother.' Arya reminded him.

'it's your choice.' Bran said when Jon looked over at him

'I need to tell you something but you have to swear you will never tell another soul.' Jon told them

'What is it?'

'You have to swear it before I tell you' jon demanded.

'How can I promise to keep a secret if I don't know what it is?' Sansa questioned.

'Because we are family. Swear it.' Jon demanded.

'I swear it' arya said He looked at Sansa.

'I swear' she agreed.

'Tell them' he told Bran.


'Marnie is it true you wish to kill Cersei Lannister?' Daenerys questioned once they were alone.

'Yes. that is correct. I am going to kill cersei Lannister.' Marnie informed.

'Good. I'm glad to see someone here is on my side.' Daenerys told her.

'Your grace?' Marnie questioned

'You are close with Brandon Stark as well, no?'

'yes. I love him.' Marnie admitted.

'But his sisters show you just as much distaste as they show me, correct?'

"Correct.' Marnie agreed.

'They are trouble. They wont bend the knee. They think they have lived through enough hell to know whats best but I walked through hell and came back stronger, they know nothing.' Daenerys told her.

'We have all seen struggles, your grace.' Marnie reminded her.

'Yes but I have seen more. It will make me a great queen. Do I have your support?' daenerys questioned.

'I just want cersei dead. If that puts you on the throne then so be it. As long as Lannisters never hold power like that again.' Marnie told her.

'Good girl.' Daenerys said. 'we need to stick together. You with your fire and me with my dragons. We will be a force, to tear it all down... together.' 

Witch // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now