Im a Cromwell

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Bran sat front and center in front of Winterfell when Jon got there he hugged and kissed his head.

'Look at you he said you're a man' jon said looking at his brother. Sitting in a wheel chair. Immobilized from the fall. He looked to marnie. She was hugging her uncle tyrion.

'Uncle Tyrion youre back!' Marnie declared dropping to her knees

'Marnie? My little marnie all grown up?' Tyrion said looking her over.

'Hi uncle Tyrion,' she said kissing his cheek

'My little princess. All grown up. So beautiful. Gods marnie i thought... i thought...' he hugged her tight. 'Baby girl i missed you so much.'

'I missed you too tyrion.'

'Look at you! So beautiful! I missed you.' Tyrion told her, he couldn't believe the woman standing in front of him was his little Marnie.

'I missed you uncle tyrion. I heard all my cousins are dead.' She told him wanting to say siblings. She knew her father and her aunt were together she knew the rumors were true about joffrey and tommen and marcella being bastards. But they were still family.

'Thats right.' She looked down to her feet nodding.

'Joff was a little cunt but marcy and Tom were nice.' She told tyrion

'Yes he was and yes they were.' tyrion agreed.

"Look at you, youre a man now!'

'Almost,' bran told him, looking over to marnie.

'Where is arya?'

'Lurking somewhere' Sansa told him, hugging him as well.

'This is queen Daenerys of house Targaryen this is my sister Sansa stark of Winterfell.' Dani stepped forward.

'Thank you for inviting us the north is just as beautiful as your brother said, as are you' dani complimented.

'The north is yours your grace' sansa said bitterly

'We do not have time for this' bran told them 'the night king has your dragon he's one of them now the wall has fallen dead march south.'

'Sandor!' Marnie ran from Tyrions side and clung to him. Sandor looked down at the girl seeing the blonde wavy hair and pulled her back to look at her face. Brushing the hair from her eyes with his thumb he saw her.

'Marnie?' He questioned pulling her back to him. 'Oh petal ive missed you. I thought you were dead.'

'I thought you were dead! I heard things about Tyrion setting the waters on fire and you disappearing... I thought I would never see you again.

'Oh petal. Ive never leaving you again I promise.' Sandor told her hugging her tight.

'Beric?' Marnie questioned looking past sandor

'You know that cunt?' sandor questioned.

'Give me a moment,' she said running off. 'Beric!'

'Little light!' he hugged her picking her up off the ground

'Wheres me hug?' Dale asked

'Dale! Youre both still alive?' Marnie questioned. "Where is thoros? Is he here too?' marnie said looking around.

'Thoros didn't make it.' Dale told her.

'But we could say the same for you. We thought you dead! You went on a hunt and never came back. We searched high and low for ya little light. Worried sick about you.' Beric told her.

'You know these cunts?' Sandor grumbled pulling her back into him

'This is our little light we were telling ya bout Clegane' Dale told him. told him

'Marnie is your little light?'

'He doesnt know what you can do obviously.' Beric grinned down at her

'First time i did it i was with you lot remember?' Marnie reminded him.

'Did what?' Sandor snapped. 'You touch my marnie i take your fucking heads!'

'No sandor no. This.' She lifted her hand and light glowed from her fingers.

'What did you cunts do to her!' He demanded

'Nothing. Its not even lord of light sandor. Im a cromwell. Im a witch.' Marnie told them.

Witch // Bran StarkWhere stories live. Discover now