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Theo wandered through the house. It wasn't as big as the one back home, but it was still bigger than anything she'd ever lived in. It was a beautiful structure, mostly windows, white outside, many, many French doors.

Theo was intrigued by the fact that this used to be Esmé's home, her first home when she came back from living with her grandmother. It was small compared to what she'd upgraded to later in life, but spacious enough that you didn't get under the feet of the other person living there.

She'd learned that this was the home Esmé had when she first met William, but she didn't let him into this space until a good few months into their relationship, preferring to keep him on the mainland and out of this private part of her life.

Now it belonged to her youngest sister, who apparently wasn't that much older than Theo. Esmé had told Theo that Desdemona most likely wouldn't be there, and she was the only other sibling Esmé didn't mind Theo being around without her there.

Theo had decided to try on the clothes that Esmé had brought, which she still wasn't happy about, but she couldn't deny that it left a warm fuzzy feeling inside her.

The bikinis were all the same, something Theo felt comfortable in, without it feeling like she had nothing on. There was a couple one piece swimsuits, simple in design.

There were a variety of dresses, some with spaghetti straps, some t-shirt dresses, some long, most short. All hugged her body in a way that nothing had before, showing curves she didn't believe she had. Theo's figure wasn't as jaw dropping as Esmé's and it did make her wonder why she was with her.

There were hundreds of other women with bigger boobs, firmer asses, curvier bodies, yet Esmé, in Theo's opinion, had settled for her, who was below average. She only had boobs because of her pregnancy with Ada. Theo didn't even want to think about William's attraction to her. The man married Esmé, so Theo didn't believe for a single second that he was remotely attracted to her body.

Before she went spiralling down a path of self hatred, Theo refocused on the clothes.

Alongside shorts, crop tops and trousers, Esmé had also brought Theo a mass amount of underwear. She'd been needing new sets for a while, and Esmé had noticed. Now she would never run out and had a range of colours and styles. Apparently, what they had delivered to this house was only a fraction of what she had gotten her, the rest was back home.

A sudden roar outside the house made Theo startle. It sounded like one hell of a car, but Theo knew Esmé wasn't due back for hours yet, and nobody else on the island owned a vehicle that powerful.

The sound cut off as Theo made her way to the windows that overlooked the front of the house. In the driveway, was a fancy looking motorbike, and getting off it was a woman in full leathers. Theo was confused. She didn't know anyone who rode a motorbike, let alone owned one that expensive.

As the woman took the black helmet off, Theo was surprised to see she had dark blue hair that just reached her shoulders. Slinging the helmet into the bike seat, the woman turned and headed for the front door. She moved too quick for Theo to see her face.

Did she want to?

A part of her was very much intrigued by this woman with blue hair who had pulled up on a jet black motorbike, but another part of her was screaming that this meant danger.

Esmé wouldn't leave her alone if she thought something bad was going to happen. Theo didn't have a lot of time to figure it out, as the woman had already scaled the steps, and was now standing in the doorway to the bedroom Theo and Esmé had set up in.

Blue eyes seemed very surprised to see Theo there, before a look of realisation crossed her face.

"You're absolutely her type," she said, leaning against the doorframe. Theo could do nothing but stare at her wide eyed for a moment longer until her own realisation clicked on.

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