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Theodora woke up slowly. She didn't know how long she had been asleep for, and she didn't have an immediate recollection of the events that had happened during the night. Her mind was filled with a fluffy fog and the only thing she was aware of at that moment, was the incredible warmth and softness of her surroundings. The mattress she was on felt different from her own, but it was also familiar. She recognised the way she sunk into it, the way it moulded to her body, so it was like it wasn't even there. The duvet was different, the cover felt softer, smoother, it was a different material.

None of these things was alarming to her, and she felt safe in the warmth that surrounded her tiny body. As she stretched out a little, she became aware that she was sandwiched tightly between two other things. Theo clumsily pulled herself up and out of the warm hole into a darkened room. At first, she didn't recognise the room, noticing instead the two large cats that were snuggled up to her on both sides. Realising it was just Teiko and Suki, Theo laid her head back down amongst the pillows and closed her eyes again.

There was a deep rested feeling that sat in her bones. A feeling she had forgotten existed. It had been so long since Theo had last slept until she woke up naturally that she had forgotten it was possible to do such a thing. As she became more aware of her surroundings, bits of the night came back to her. At first, she felt a wave of panic.

The amount of contact that had happened during the night made her feel slightly sick. Initially, she couldn't remember if Esmé had been okay with it, but as she backtracked through the events, she realised the woman had been very insistent on holding Theo close, and so she relaxed and her panic dissipated.

Next, she felt nervous.

The young redhead knew that what Esmé was doing was strictly for comfort alone. The woman had no other motive behind cuddling Theo, who knew it was highly unlikely that the interaction would happen again soon. But her mind couldn't stop turning.

Theo knew how much she liked Esmé, but she was confused as to what level she liked her. Did she like her as a friend? As a parental figure? As an idol? Did she like her as much more than a friend? Theo wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer, because she knew Esmé didn't and wouldn't feel the same way.

Even if Theo wanted there to be a hidden meaning to what Esmé did with her, she knew it was more than likely a miscommunication of feelings. Not to mention, the woman was married, and very much in love with her husband, who doted upon his wife whenever he could.

Stretching some more, Theo brought the duvet up to her face and breathed in, before turning and burrowing back under the covers. It smelt so good.

Realising that she had to get up, Theo forced herself out from between the cats and crawled off the bed, leaving the room.


Nothing was said about what had happened during the night.

Esmé thought it best to not mention it during the day. For the most part, Theo was distracted and Esmé was determined to keep it that way. When Theo had finally risen from the master bedroom, it was well into the early afternoon, which Esmé made no comment on.

Theo looked positively horrified at having woken up so late and tried to apologise profoundly to Esmé, who just waved her off, telling Theo that she clearly needed the rest. A little later on, Theo had wandered into Esmé's office and came back out with a book. Esmé had glanced over at the cover. Ancient Greek Mythology was printed on the front of the dark red cover and she raised her brow.

"What?" Theo asked, catching the look.

"I did not say a word," Esmé replied, focusing her attention back onto her laptop.

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