tea and outings

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I wake up and see the ceiling of my room. I sit up confused on how I got here.

    "Calm down love, we got off the boat and we didn't feel like waking you up so i carried you to your room, which was hard by the way." JJ says with a sleep voice.

    "What time is it?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

    "It's midnight go back to sleep Y/N i'm tired!"

I roll over, wrapping my arms around his torso and laying my head on his chest. I close my eyes and tries to fall asleep. After about ten minute i sigh and sit up looking at JJ.

    "Are you asleep?" I whisper.

    "No i'm not asleep" he mutters

    "I can't fall asleep"

    "I've noticed. Come on." he gets up and looks at me. I get up and follow him to the kitchen. I tilt my head as he looks through the cabinets grabbing stuff. He pulls a pot out and fills it with water and waits for it to boil. I look at him and blush at how the moonlight hits his bare chest perfectly. He puts a tea bag into the pot and bobs it up and down then mixes in some mint. When it's done he pours it into a mug and hands it to me.

    "Drink" he says, crossing his arms.

I drink it while looking at him confused. He leads me back to my room and lays down holding the covers open for me. I go over and get under the covers.

    "Oh yea uh none of the others know i'm in your bed, they think im sleeping on the little couch window thingy-" he says while wrapping his arms around me. I laugh and feel my eyelids get heavy. I hold his hand as I fall asleep.

    I wake up to the sound of birds and dogs barking. I sit up and look over at JJ still asleep. I smile running my fingers through his hair admiring him.  Stretch and stand up going over to my closet grabbing a bikini and a pair of black jean shorts. I look around and see JJ's shirt on the floor and I grab that too. I quickly change and turn around seeing JJ now fully awake.

    "Did you see me changing?" i ask

    "Nah i woke up as soon as you slid my shirt on." he smiles. I roll my eyes. We haven't slept together but we've had multiple heated makeout sessions and he's actually never seen me fully naked. I watch him stand up and stretch. I go to my vanity and brush my hair looking at the hickey on my neck. I feel his hands on my hips and his head rest on my shoulder.

    "Want another one?" he asks, kissing my neck.

    "And what will i say when keira points out the fresh hickeys on my neck?" I say turning around looking at him. He shrugs and goes down kissing my neck and sucks on it again. I close my eyes and smile. I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away and wipes his spit off of my neck and smiles.

    "There." he smiles admiring his work.

    "Thank you" i say sarcastically. "Now if you don't mind me and kei are going shopping"

I put my hair on my shoulders so they cover the hickeys while walking downstairs seeing Kiara waiting for me. I smile at her.

    "I'm all ready!" I wave bye to the boys and follows Kiara out to my car and we get in driving to the mall. We talk the whole way while I avoid the questions about me and JJ and tell her we are just friends.

"Ok ok fine yall are just friends!" she laughs. I pull into the parking lot and parks, getting out walking with her into the mall. We looked at all the shops and decided to go to a surf shop first. i look at some of the cute bathing suits while Kei looks at the shell necklaces. She comes over to me.

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