Part 16: The new Upper 6.

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(Hello again my friends, the first chapter in a bit is back! This chapter features the first appearance of the new upper moon 6, because of course there needed to be a 3rd (technically 4th?) one. This chapter chronologically happens shortly before the swordsmith village arc, so Tanjiro and the gang will be leaving soon if they already haven't.

Shinobu wasn't exactly disappointed when the large demon emerged from the ground. She still needed to relieve some anger but frankly she was running low on poison and her supplies were still in the room. Giyuu had breathed out in a sigh, extremely irritated by the night in general but attempting to keep his composure externally. He eyed Kocho as she started to speak, looking back to the demon as she explained.
"Tomioka, as much as I'd like to go kill that demon, my sword is running quite dry in terms of poison. Be a dear and go kill it, would you? I'll be back as soon as my sword is filled." The spiteful, venom filled tone of her voice almost made Giyuu do a double take, but nonetheless he turned around and walked down the steps. He quickly read the writing on the demon's blue eyes and looked back to inform Kocho, but she was already gone to get her poisons.

I should be able to kill Upper moon 6 by myself. We killed Gyutaro and Daki, and that's when I had just lost my arm.

The man approached the front door, the demon was seemingly waiting for him to step outside.

"Hello there, slayer!" The demon called out. Giyuu looked upon the man with disdain as he studied his physical features.

He's around Himejima's height but he looks very frail. Should be fairly easy to kill him before he activates some blood demon art. Giyuu's thoughts were cut short as the demon's voice rang out again.
"Master muzan told me that I should use my talents in this town to quickly climb the ranks! He even believes I may eventually replace the one who turned me into a demon as Upper 2." Giyuu's sword glided through the demon's neck, the head soaring off down the street. He watched the body fall to the ground for a moment, before turning around and walking back to the inn. They needed to report to the kakushi about the cleanup and now abandoned building, so leaving soon was preferable. As Giyuu sheathed his sword, he felt an overwhelming murderous intent behind him. He ducked down as a massive arm struck through the wooden doors and destroyed them with ease.
Shit! Is there another demon? Did it not die from having its head cut off?
"You see, slayer..." Another large arm swung in an arc towards the man who pulled his blade out and cut it apart.

"My head is merely for display!" The demon said.

Display??? Giyuu ran at the demon, whose head was now regrowing.
So it can regrow its head... I should wait for Kocho's help. Maybe her poison will be effective?

Giyuu darted at the demon as it regrew its arm and then swung its large limbs at the man's legs and midsection. As he reached for the hashira, he leapt over both arms and prepared to water wheel and split it in half, but another set of arms bursted from its chest and slammed into Giyuu's blade midair. The force behind the blow sent Giyuu flying into the air and into the wall of a nearby building where he fell back to the ground. Fortunately, Giyuu landed on his feet so he could flip sideways over the incoming arm.

He can grow multiple arms? All three of the other limbs reached out for the man but using dead calm rendered them all slashed into ribbons. As the demons arms retracted and started to regenerate, Giyuu dashed up and took another swing at its neck,

I've got it! He thought as the nichirin made contact with its flesh and cut through with relative ease. Again, the creature's head soared off to the side, but again, its arms regenerated and swung back at the man. He dodged all four limbs but when he went in for another slash, another set of arms exploded from its sides, launching forwards to intercept him.
"Do you understand yet, slayer?" The head had grown back again and the demon began taunting.

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