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Rain. The start of a new life. The joy. The contentment. The bliss. The beautiful earthy smell, the tiny droplets hanging on the leaves, the thunderous sound of rain, the wind in the hair- everything's beauty multiplies tenfold.

However, this time was different. The rain didn't bring the same delight this time; instead, it brought fear of what was to follow. An occurrence that would alter everything

"Listen to me b/n yo-you have to leave, he's only after me, so leave!" cried a Raven haired woman with e/c eyes

"I'M NOT LEAVING WITHOUT YOU, MOM! I'm not going anywhere like he did!"The teenager, who appeared to be no more than 16 years old, shouted

" There isn't much time left.. Please run, run as far away as you can.. I-i wouldn't-"
The crying woman was cut of by the sound of thunder and the sound of an explosion echoing throughout the house..

"He's arrived..DO NOT LEAVE THE ROOM"

she yelled, kissing the boy on the cheek and the sleeping young child the boy was carying.She said it with a sorrowful grin, knowing it was the final time she'd see her kids.

I love u both" She murmured before going out to the hallway to face her fate

"Mom.... " The boy said as he realised the predicament
"I'll protect u no matter the cost y/n" Said the boy looking at the sleeping girl
The green light filled the cramped hallway, it lit up the entire house in the eary green colour, it made the banisters glow like lighting rods,the Raven haired woman fell like a marionette whose strings were cut....

"Ah there you are.. Young niyati" (niyati is your family name)
What followed was the same green light exploding through the small house, and with that the boy named b/n fell to the floor with a thud and a scream...

The scream jolted the girl awake, and upon seeing the odd man, she began to cry, her wide e/c eyes welling up with tears.

Voldemort was startled by the crying and pointed his wand directly in the child's face, casting the killing curse on the young niyati girl. The spell bounced back at him, confusing the wizard, but his confusion was soon replaced by shock as the young girl began glowing a bright white colour. He has no idea what it was, but all he remembers is a burning ache all over his body, and his only thought was the immediate want to flee.

Leaving the young girl all alone in a empty house with no one but her once loving family's dead corps...

"I see the work is done"

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