is it right?

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Day 2. 10.06.2022

It was 6am and Gun was wide awake.

"Two more hours until my alarm would go off." He said to himself.
What should he do ? He was too tired to get up but too awake to go back to sleep.
'Nevermind..' He thought and took his phone from the desk next to his bed.

First thing he did was checking Instagram. Why ? Well..

Gun has had a crush on Off for almost two years now.
Gun changed from Business major to Film and that's when he saw Jumpol for the first time.
Of course he knew about the 'cool guys' he just didn't care before.
He knew that Jumpol would never even look at him but Gun fell and oh, did he fell, so the fact itself that THE Off Jumpol actually talked to him made him so happy.

He just opened Instagram and the first thing he saw was one of Off's posts.
An old picture of him and his two friends.

Gun was head over heels

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Gun was head over heels. Literally.
But something felt.. weird.
He was kind of afraid, because what if Off's making fun of him?
Maybe he should talk about that with Apo.

He was deep in thoughts when his phone gave a sound and his heart sank.

He was deep in thoughts when his phone gave a sound and his heart sank

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At 9 at the Café.


Gun was nervous.
What should he wear? Should he bring all his stuff or would Off think he's nerdy? Well Off wants to meet to study so he has to bring his stuff.
Will they go to class together after that?
'Okay calm down Atthaphan' he thought.
'I got this!'

6:52 already.
Gun got up and searched for the perfect outfit which seemed to be a black skinny Jeans with an purple Shirt and black sneakers.
He hopped under the shower, put on the clothes and some light make up and went out of the bathroom, straight down to the kitchen were his brother and his boyfriend were currently eating each others faces.

"Come on you guys.. it's 8am.." Gun said.

"Morning Gun." Billkin answered laughing sheepishly.

"You eating with us P?"

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