A real father.

908 39 12

Day 45 23.07.2022

"Do I look good ?"

"Yes dad."

"Really ? I need to look good for my son-in-law."

"Dad come on now the bell already rang!"

Gun's dad and Kritt stood there while Gun opened the door.

"Hello babii." Off said and turned around to look at his boyfriends dad.

"Good evening sir. I am-"

"Oh sir whatever. Call me dad !" Gun's father said and pulled the taller boy in a hug.

"My my my you're really big. How tall are you if you don't mind me asking ?"

Off didn't mind at all.
In fact - he felt at ease with Gun's dad talking open and nice like that.

Off wasn't used to a father figure acting like that, so he enjoyed it.

"Come on in, dinners ready ! You feel like home my boy. Okay?"

'My boy' rang in Off's head.

"Are you okay papii ?"

"Hm ? Oh.. yeah. I'm fine." He said with teary eyes and a big smile.

Gun knew the reason.


They sat down at the table in the kitchen and Gun's dad began to serve the food.

Off wanted to help but to no excuse.

'My son, I invited you. You don't need to help.'

"I hope you like chicken ? I made chicken wings with sticky rice."

"Yes thank you !"

"Dad is really proud of his chicken wings. He made the sauce and marinade himself." Gun whispered to Off what made the older smile.

Off felt a warm feeling around his heart.

Not even 30 minutes and Gun's dad made him feel a love he never experienced from a dad before.

"So I heard you had an exam yesterday ?"

"Yes, a math exam." Gun answered.

"What was your score ?" Kritt now asked and Off tensed up.

"Mine was 97%" Gun said and grabbed Off's hand to support him."

"Mine was.. 63%"

"Oh wow I'm proud of you boy's! You two did a great Job!"

Off couldn't believe his ears.

What did Gun's dad just say ?

Both boy's thanked the oldest and continued to eat.

'We did a great Job.' Off thought.

Never ever would his biological dad say something like that.

If it's not a 100% it's nothing.

They talked for a bit, laughed together and even Kritt and Off got along.

"I hope it was good ?"

"It was delicious mister Phunsawat."

"Oh Off please I already told you, it's dad."

"Yes.. Dad." Off said with a big smile and Gun giggled at how cute his giant boyfriend is.

"Let me help you." The tall boy added ans grabbed a few plates.

"It's okay my boy, you don't have to."

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