Chapter 2

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I was sitting in my advanced calculus class, bored as usual, my eyes weren't exactly focused, they were in a looking but not thinking mode. I didn't need to pay attention, all we were doing was reviewing. I heard my name being called a few times but I didn't care really, that was, until I saw a figure stand in front of me and slam a heavy textbook on my desk, cause me to jump a bit, my nails growing a bit into small claws under the desk as a defense mechanism. "Mr.Wolfham!" The teacher seemed to  yell,  but not as much as he does to the others, he's probably afraid. I was aggravated though, because of  the fact that he said my last name completely wrong it sounded like 'Wolfham' instead of 'Wolfhelm'.

 I stare him in the eyes, glaring, "Yes?" I said never breaking eye contact, it was him who broke the eye contact and looked at my paper which had all the notes I needed for the class today, but with drawings on the sides and top " I asked you a question." he said. His voiced cracked a bit in the beginning of the sentence. "Oh, I'm sorry. What exactly was the question?" I asked sarcastically. He didn't seem to care that I was being sarcastic and asked me the question again. "What is x squared plus a?". I thought for a minute, and looked up at the board it said 'x=3' so x squared would be 9. It also say 'a= 10' so i looked at the teacher, and try my best trying not to laugh I said " The answer is 21" I heard a quiet laugh in the classroom.

Then I notice something, a red figure beside me, I groaned, thats Red, well Scarlett, I call her Red, and she hates me for it. Shes amusing when she's annoyed with me but I guess thats because she is one of the main people I tend to annoy. I looked at her swiftly "Hey, look it's Red." I whispered to the guy behind me, laughing silently. I saw Aderyn behind Red roll her eyes. Great, I have math class, with Red and Aderyn, right next to me, this day couldn't get any better, I laughed a bit deviously to myself in a tone no one could hear. After a while of listening to the teacher babble on and on and on, I zoned out, again.  I started day dreaming, its a funny thing, daydreaming about what the world would be like without school, but then again if I wasn't at school I was at work. Still that would be more exciting than this.

Scarlett's head was hung low, her face hidden by her hair. She was ignoring me! Usually she yells at me for calling her that, but this time, she was just silent. Probably didn't want to get in trouble, or was learning to do that silent anger thing. Whatever it was, it was bugging me for some reason. I look at her for a couple seconds then zone out again. Loud ringing cut through my haze, and I snapped out of it.

Jerking my head up, I see the teacher going to pick up the phone.  After a minute of the teacher listening to the phone. Then the teacher said "Scarlett Flann, and Dillon Wolfham." I actually showed my aggravation this time.

I saw heads turn our way. It seems like everyone except me was listening to the conversation. Red was smiling at me, and when she saw me look at her she mouthed "Wolfham!" Glaring, I growled and mouthed curses at her. She gave a satisfied smile back. "Scarlett and Dillon, to the office, you are being signed out, your homework will be sent to you later." Me and Red walked out and when we went to the office there was no one there for us, the secretary said to go in the car and all will be explained. 

As we got to the car, I opened the door for Red "After you Red." I said smiling. She glared at me and I laughed. We sat on different ends of the car. I looked out the window, I have no idea what Red was doing. "Where are we going?" I wondered aloud. A head popped around the corner of the passenger seat. It was my friend from training, James Lycus. James had light brown hair, with a dark green streak through it, and light brown eyes, that in the light, looked yellow.

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