The Final Medallion

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(In this story, will be the reason why Charles gave Shadow his medallion... Enjoy.)

A week after Eggman's arrest and the restoration of Mobotropolis, Sonic and his siblings were happy to be reunited with their parents. But Charles has something he needs to tell Sonic, Sonia, Manic, and Shadow about the medallions. Charles and Aleena were waiting for their children and Shadow to come.

"The hedgehogs are here, your majesties." One of the Swat-Bots said.

"Alright. Let them in." Charles said.

"Very well." The Swat-Bot said as he went to bring Sonic, his siblings and Shadow to Charles and Aleena.

Ever since everyone had been freed from the music Sonic, Sonia, and Manic used to free the roboticized citizens of Mobotropolis the Swat-Bots have been reprogramed by the music and worked for Aleena and Charles now. The doors opened as Sonic, Sonia, Manic, and Shadow came up to the king and queen.

"Mom, Dad." Sonic said as he and his siblings smiled at his parents.

"Hello, kids." Aleena and Charles said.

"Is there something you wanted from us, your majesties?" Shadow asked.

"Yes." Aleena replied.

"It's about your medallions." Charles said.

"What about them?" Sonic asked.

"Well, you see... There is a reason we gave Shadow the bass guitar medallion." Aleena said.

"It originally belonged to me. But I have responsibilities over Mobotropolis now that I've been released from the robotic curse." Charles said. "We gave the medallions to you 4 to use their powers to destroy the darkest evil there is with your music."

"When Shadow told me he betrayed Robotnik, I knew it would be time to give the medallion to him." Aleena said.

"And Charles gave it to me after your children freed him from his robotics." Shadow said. "But, if you have given one of your medallions to me, why would you do that?"

"Because me and Aleena realized after we split up and separated our kids that we would have to give our medallions to 2 other hedgehogs. Like you Shadow. You betrayed Robotnik during your first encounter with Sonic." Charled explained. "But there is one more medallion left. We want to give it to a warrior who cares for the sake of the peace and future on this planet."

Aleena then took out her medallion. It was a blank circle on a gold necklace. Sonic went up and took it from her mother.

"Rest assured, Mom. We'll find the right one to give this medallion to." Sonic said.

"And we won't let it end up in the hands of evil." Sonia said.

"We're Sonic Underground after all." Manic said.

"And we'll protect this planet." Shadow said.

"Good luck you four. And we sense there's a darker evil than Robotnik who'll want to destroy you." Charles said. "You must find the warrior worthy of harnessing the power of Aleena's medallion, before it's too late."

"Don't worry, Dad. We won't let anything happen to it." Sonic said.

"We'll make sure to find the chosen one for the medallion." Shadow said as he, Sonic, and his siblings left.

"Good luck, my children." Aleena said.

"You too, Shadow." Charles said. "Let's hope they can stop that demon of darkness. If only Sonic knew he's back for revenge. Soleanna was vanquished with just one blow thanks to him."

One medallion was left for a hedgehog to bond to its powers. Who will bond to it? What will Sonic, Shadow, Sonia, and Manic do to stop the darkness that Charles spoke of?

'Well guys, thanks for reading up on this story. And to give you guys a teaser for who gets the final medallion's power, that answer will be revealed in the third story of the crossover.'

Thanks for reading!

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