The Meeting

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It was a pretty average weekend for me. Dance class had finished a couple hours ago, so I was on my phone procrastinating working on any of my fanfics or my current GCMV by listening to Kpop and playing some Cookie Run Ovenbreak. Honestly, I was just happy it was almost the end of the school year and I was finally all caught up with my work. I could just simply relax and enjoy the rest of my weekend.

At least, I thought I could. That was before a loud crash came from the living room.

Plush: (Holy crap what the hell was that? Did someone break in? Oh frick frick frick frick frick.)

Quickly, I got up from my bed and quickly grabbed the wooden sign in the corner of the room and held it like a sword.

[A/N: For reference this is what the sign looks like:

[A/N: For reference this is what the sign looks like:

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now back to the story.]

Once I grabbed it, I quietly made my way to the door to my bedroom, hoping I could catch the thief or thieves by surprise.

I opened the door ever-so-slightly, and that's when I started hearing the voices of the people who broke in clearly.

???: Alright, what is the meaning of this? Who dares bring me to this, place?

???: Your guess is as good as mine! All I know is that one minute I was overseeing all the cookies under my spell, and the next I'm here! Wherever 'here' is.

???: For crumbs sssssssake Lychee, no one caresssssss what you were doing. All we care about isssss figuring out what happened to ussssss.

???: Well I think it would be much easier for us to figure this out without you all arguing with each other. I say we explore this area and see if we can find a way out.

Plush: That's not gonna take long.

All four of the people that broke into my apartment turned to look at me as I stepped into the hallway and pointed my 'sword' at them.

One of them had rather pale skin, long white hair with a few black dots in it and wore what looked to be pinkish red armor with lime green accents.

Another one had skin that was much tanner, bright yellow hair, and wore armor of a slightly darker shade of yellow, a necklace of lime green gemstones, and what seemed to be a crown of leaves from a palm tree.

The third one had skin quite a bit darker than the other two, dark teal hair, and wore a dark teal dress under a white and light green robe with a hat that looked like a giant lotus flower.

The final one was a lot smaller than the rest. Their skin was somewhere in between the first two in terms of how tan they were, their hair was a really light pink, and they wore a light pink and dark purple dress with some sort of teal gem in the middle of the corset part of it, black shoes with a dark purple knee-high sock on their right foot, and a dark purple jester hat.

I absolutely had no clue what kind of weird group just appeared in my apartment, but since they already knew I was there, I decided to stand my ground.

Person in Yellow: Excuse me? How dare you treat me with such disrespect?!

Plush: How dare you expect me to respect some stranger that broke into my apartment with their friends? Why the hell are you even here anyways? I'm a broke high school student with literally nothing valuable to steal, so why are you all here?

Person in Teal: Hmph, we don't know the answer to that either rude girl.

Person in Red: Either way, do you really plan to fight usssss all off with that pathetic little 'sword', ssssstrange creature?

That question made me hesitate a bit, mainly because I had absolutely no idea what to do now that I have their attention and their answering my questions.

Plush: .... I haven't gotten that far in the plan yet. Anyways, if you guys-

Person in Purple: *angy* Wait, plan? Did you kidnap us?

Plush: What? No! Why and how would I even do that?

Person in Red: Good point, look at how tiny she isssssss Lychee. *walks over to Plush, crouches down, and pokes Plush's cheek*

Plush: Ok no need to rub the fact I'm smol in. *pushes Person in Red's arm away and holds up sword again* Anyways, who are you guys?

The four trespassers looked at each other with skeptical and questioning looks.

Person in Teal: So, should we tell her? She seems perfectly harmless and ignorant.

Person in Yellow: That just seems like all the more reason not to. She's definitely not worthy of our presence. Or at least mine.

Person in Purple: Yeah, but we're already IN her presence. And her house as it seems. I say we just do it.

Person in Red: Plusssss, she could possssssibly be of use to usssssss. She knowssssss where we are after all.

Person in Yellow: Hmph, fine. *turns to Plush* Well, tiny creature, I am Ananas Dragon Cookie, the noblest of dragonkind.

Person in Red: *softly* Ha, 'nobelest' my ingredientssssssss. *normal* I am known as Pitaya Dragon Cookie.

Person in Teal: My name is Lotus Dragon Cookie.

Parson in Purple: And I'm Lychee Dragon Cookie! Now get us out of here and let us leave you weird creature!

I nearly didn't hear the last thing Lychee Dragon said, my brain was doing too many somersaults. Ananas Dragon, Pitaya Dragon, Lotus Dragon, and Lychee Dragon, those were the names of the legendary dragons from Cookie Run. And the designs of them matched the outfits of the trespassers, could it be?

Pitaya: Hello? Are you sssssstill there? *pokes Plush's head*

Plush: *snaps back to reality* Oh, yeah. Still here unfortunately for all of us. Anyways, my name is Shiro, but you can call me Plush. And this is just a theory, but I don't think you guys are in your world.

If I met the Legendary Dragons (Cookie Run) Where stories live. Discover now